𝕂𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘-𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕖𝟙:ℍ𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕗𝕥

Knighting-Gale 1: He Left

by: Justice Mabson

Why am I always alone, even when I’m not? The only thing I remember was him leaving us. I walk down the stairs into the front room, hearing the door slam close and the wind hitting the walls. I looked over at my mom who was sitting in a nook near the window. Her glowing brown skin and curled dark blue twists looking disheveled on her head. Dressed in her light blue plaid rode and dress she stared into her cup of coffee. Flint in his Deep green robe runs down the stairs to look at mom for a moment. Then, letting out a despaired breath he takes off for the door after him. I ran after them, but Flint ran faster than me. I feel the earth beneath the souls of my bare feet, feeling so many emotions hit me all at once.

As I make it to the pier steps and watch the boats pull off in the distance. Flint was still running, and the bridge was lifting. I realize that if he keeps going, he will fall into the chasm. I quicken my pace as the morning wind hits my face; I make it to him. He falls over as he tries to jump. I jump quickly, holding the bridge, and grab Flint’s shirt. Pulling it with all my might, I bring him back up to my side.

We slide down the bridge and land on the pier. Flint is crying in my arms, looking at the boat as it sails into the sky rising into the stars. I look-at the boat rising into the copper sky- at him wearing his gray jacket and scarf. He doesn’t look back at us, not even at the sound of Flint letting out a blood-curdling cry. Flint screams “DADDY DON’T GO.” Swallowing back all my tears I feel a burning feeling in my throat. I stand up with Flint In my arms and walk back to the house, he cries the entire way home.

I walk along the cherry wood pier; a walk that feels like an eternity. I see the tracks that were left in the tall grass. I look up at our old house. It looks like the small toy house we had in our room with the matching purple roof. The cherry wood around the sliding glass window. It doesn’t feel the same to walk up this stone path.

As I get closer to the house, I see little Scarlet at the door, holding her clockwork bear. I led her back inside gently and closed the door. I look over at the nook where mom is crying into her arms folded on the table. She’s in her light blue plaid robe, wearing just one slipper- the other must have been thrown mid-conversation-. Her blue pastel socks remained. She’s the most colorful thing in this house. Flint is crying hard on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and walk past the nook; still holding Scarlet’s hand. I led Scarlet back to her room and put her back to sleep.

I walk back into the living room. Mom is drying her eyes. She looks over at me. “Theo, thanks, sweetie.” She pauses, her eyes are nearly dry. “Here, give me Flinty.” I walk over and hand Flint to her. She then kissed my forehead. “That’s my strong girl, taking care of her siblings.” It’s probably better to keep the part where we almost fell into the chasm to myself. Flint looks out the window, burying his head into her chest. “Shh… little one it’s ok, we’re here.” I must have been shaking badly because she tried to sit me next to her. I move away from her, walking over to the fireplace.

I grab my teacup off the top of the fireplace and pour tea into it. I walk back to the nook grabbing sugar. Looking at the cup, I realize it was my father’s. Holding the cup makes something inside me boil. My mother sees the anger in my face and speaks.

“Theodora… Honey… Sweety.” The rage inside grows and I jump up and smash the cup to the ground. Flint stops crying. They both look at me with worried eyes. I don’t even know what came over me. I look over at the fireplace; look at the photos of him in that stupid jacket and scarf. I smile as though there’s nothing wrong, like everything is ok, that nothing would ever change. Looking at the lies and falsehood pulls me over the edge. I run towards the fireplace before I get there mom catches my arms.

I try to pull away, but she’s pulling me into her arms. I crumple to the floor in her arms; feeling the tears fall from my eyes, a burning sensation rising in my throat. I feel like I’m going to drown. I pull away from her, bolting up the stairs to my room, closing the door behind me. I lean against the door, sliding to the floor. The tears pour out of my eyes until the point where I can’t see anything in front of me. Gasping for air, I crawl to my bed bundling up under my purple soft covers. Trying to hide from the outside world, the reality that I try to hide from. I can’t let mom see me cry. I let out all my tears until I have nothing left, falling asleep in the cocoon that I’ve made for myself.

I wake to mom stroking my braids smiling at me. “My brave little Theo you don’t have to hide. I’m right here, and I’m never leaving you.” I’m so weak that I can barely sit up. Somehow, I wrap my arms around her, hugging her. She hugs me back and I hear the door open. I see my siblings at the door peeking through the small entrance.

“Theo, are you ok,” Flint asks in a whispered voice. They walk into the room and over to my bed. “I’ve had better days. But hey, it gets better, right?” I look over at my mom who smiles. “We can only go up from here my dears.” She scoops us all in her arms as we fall onto my bed.

We lay there for hours. I wish I could go back to that moment. But we had to grow up and move on. Mom gets up and goes to take her shower. The Inn can’t stay close too long, we’ll lose business. Even though the evening rises and the sunsets. We all fell asleep; drifting in deep. I dream of the days of the past, the days where Dad would tell a story about the high sky and the treasure that he would bring back to us. It was all a fabulously mystical dream. It turns into a somber dream that turns to sadness. I wake up feeling tears rolling down my cheeks. I wake up and look over to find Flint and Scarlet, who aren’t there. Mom must have taken them to bed. I walk over to my bathroom looking at the wall painted gold with colorful butterflies. I try to ignore them and get in the shower.

I get dressed in my usual overalls. I looked forward, forward at my cornrows and I took my hair down to have a twisted out.

I put my headband on to keep my hair out of my face. I stood there looking at my chocolate copper skin and my blue freckles. Looking at my purple, burgundy hair, it reminds me too much of him. I pick up my hat, slamming it on my head. Turning my light off going back to my room to get my pack together. Looking at my desk, at the picture of me and Him. I flip it face down and head out of my room to meet the smell of space cakes.

Then I walk down the stairs to be welcomed by my Uncle Robby, serving breakfast in the nook. “Uncle Robby!!” I scream as I run and hug him. He bears hugs me back.

“Well hello Peanut, how are we holding up?” I Look down and then look back at him and try to smile. “You don’t have to say anything, but I have the healing power of space cakes.” My eyes light up and I hug him even tighter. “Thank you so much, Uncle.” We sit at the table and eat breakfast.

Mom and Uncle Rob leave for work and cleaning the inn. While they’re working, I stay to start my summer research project. I turn to see Flint stare out at the wind at the dock. I don’t even know why he keeps looking at the door, he’s not coming back. I look back at my homework as I feel Scarlet touching my leg.

“Whats up Scarlet?” She hands me her book, looking up at me. It was a book that dad would read all the time. “I really can’t right now!!” I say, setting it on the table. She looks at me as if she is about to cry. “Okay,” I say with a sigh. The story is about pirates exploring the sky, finding treasure, jewels, and untold riches. Reading it makes her play pirates for hours. I look back over to where Flint was, but he’s gone.

“Hold on Scarlet,” I say looking around, “where’s Flint?”

“Out” she mumbles.

“Out?” I quickly stand up, putting the book down and I walk to the window he is sitting on the dock. Auntie Celia walks in and picks up Scarlet. “I’m going to put her down for her nap. You can go outside okay”.

“Oh… okay, aunty” I walked out to the dock to see Flint still sitting with his feet hanging off the side of the dock. I stood for a moment and then sat next to him. “Do you think he’ll come back?” I think to myself before answering my question. Then I looked down at him, his deep blue hair freshly twisted. I run my hand through his hair and look out at the sky.

“He said once he found his untold riches that he would come back and we will be rich as kings,” I say to assure him.

“Yeah, but Grandfather Dorian said he’s just a fool chasing a dream, and he’s never coming back.” In all honesty, I thought the same thing, but you can’t tell your little brother that.

“I believe that he’ll come back. But maybe we’ll just have to wait and see.” I wrap my arms around him, looking out at the skyway. Then a large ship floats to the edge of the dock. I see the happiness in his eyes, “Do you think?” He asks.

“No, no. “I cut him short “It’s not Captain Galt’s ship. ”

“Oh.” He looks down to avoid my eyes.

“Here, go tell mom there’s a ship here.” I guess he doesn’t hear me because he does not move; still looking down.

“Hey now, we have to make money somehow.” I get up, helping him up. He runs to the Inn as the boat docks the pier. A peculiar-looking man and woman glide towards me. I stand at the center of the pier to wait for them. The man is short and stout. He walks up with an enormous smile on his face.

” Well, hello little lass. We’re merchants from the Chalet Republic. Where’s your mom?”

“Hello, and welcome to The Conrays Inn & Bathhouse my mom will be here soon.”

“Thank you, Lil Lassie. Honey, isn’t she the cutest little thing?” I look over at the tall robotic woman who appears to be annoyed with him. As she looks over at me, her face lights up.

She drops to meet my height, “Well hello little one. If I look mad, it’s not at you. Men are just annoying right… Butchelor. ” Butchelor clears his throat laughing. She turns to me with a smile and says. “You are so pretty. Sorry if I’m being creepy, I’m just in love with your entire essence. Right, honey.” He nods his head in agreement. I do not know what they’re talking about. I also didn’t care enough to ask. Thank the gods. My mom walks up and touches my head.

“Hello, Mr. Gideon and Ms. Sophie Bennett. This is my oldest, Theodora. Did you introduce yourself, sweetie?”

“I really never got the chance too, Mom,” they both laugh.

“The little one is right. As we got off the boat, I was captivated by her and talked first.” Mom smiles at them, but I can tell it is a concerned smile. She casually pulls me back a little. “Now Mrs. Lygon We have the shipment you ordered and the supplies. I agree with your price If you agree to let my crew rest here for half price”.

“Yes, that’s fine I have your rooms ready, and the bathhouse is also ready. ”

“Oh good. We’ve needed a vacation for a long time.” Ms. Bennett stares at me as I listen to the entire conversation. I look back at her, trying not to give her an odd face.

Ms. Bennett smiles at me and then pulls out a camera bag. She looks up at my mom. “I know this might be odd but, may I take a picture of your daughter.” Mom, looking confused turns to me.

“Umm, I guess. But do you mind if I ask why.”

She pulls a book out of her bag. “I’m a fashion designer and I like to take pictures of my subjects for ideas and I love your daughters’ whole vibe. I mean only if it’s okay with both of you.” She looks at mom who shrugs.

“I mean, it’s up to you, Theo.” They look at me. I look over at Butchelor who smiles at me. I look back at her and her face lights up.

“I guess it’s okay.” I didn’t understand why she wanted to take a picture of me. I thought I was pretty, but not to where someone would want to take a picture of me. I look past her and see a group of people with a hover cart with boxes stacked on top of it.

“Alright, boys, you guys can follow me to unload that.”

They follow us up the pier to the road. Mom sends me to the house as she walks them to the inn down the way. I helped Flint with his homework. Mr. Gideon’s crew was friendly and stayed at the inn. Mom lets me help, as I usually do in the summer. But everything felt different. He was usually never here by this time of year. But now everything feels empty. But I have to act like it’s a totally normal day. We don’t have time for me to goof off. I walk into the inn so I can the front desk.

Looking over at the clock and seeing its only noon. It has been a long morning so far. I sit there and read my book and then I hear a familiar sound of my best friend Violetta outside yelling at her dog. “Spark Danging it! You need to put that down.” Violetta is one of the close friends that I. Violetta is one of the few Munu from miles. They are kind races that have psychic ability. Well, some of them can read do that. The Violetta family can read feelings. Then she walks in with her dog and a basket filled with candles like she usually does. I look over at the door to see her pastel pink skin and light lime green straight hair. In her mint dress and White boots. That never seems to ever get dirty. I do not know how she does it.

“Hey, best friend!”

“Hi.” Then she looked over and looked concerned and walked over to me.

“What happens is your eyes are super puffy.”

“He left.” She looked at me with a confused face.

“Your Dad, he in the… The Space Core right doesn’t he usually leave.”

“Yes, but he went Awol. Mom doesn’t think that I know.”


“He went and joined some Pirates. Mom told him to never come back, and they got into a fight. They thought I was in the back of the garden. Then yesterday he left… And without even saying goodbye.” I looked down at the floor and I knew she was going to hug me. So I shook off and changed the subject quickly.

“It’s ok we don’t need him, anyway. He was never here anyway, right? I walked over to the cabinet and looked at the files. “You know I know you’re upset you can talk about it.” Then I look at her with you, knowing what I’m going to say face.

“Geeze for the love of Tades you don’t have to cut me with your eyes.” We laughed together, and I took out the files that mom wanted me to look at today.

“Are you excited to be turning 13 and the last year at Rudimentary school?”

“I guess.” I’m not sure what I’m feeling. I’m just feeling something.

“What do you mean! I guess we get to go to Star Flex Academy together.” Star Flex Academy is one of the major Star Force schools. That had the best Vanguard program of the Space Core Military.

“Why Would they let me in after what my dad did? Vi, I don’t think that going to happen,”

“Shh. They can’t blame you for what he did. Knock on wood right now.” Violetta grabbed my hand and ran me over to the table and then made me knock on the table. We both started laughing and Ms. Bennett came into the room and gasp at us.

“Oh, the love of Vonia you both are so cute!!” She took out her camera bot, and she took a picture of us.

“Wait, you can’t picture of Violetta Ms. Bennett.” She looked confused and then looked at her then looked at me.

“I’m sorry I’m not from this part of space. I don’t understand the Culture here.” Violetta looked at me and then looked at Ms. Bennett.

“Well, miss Lady Bennett. It’s against my religion to have my photo taken.”

“Oh, that is fascinating. What race are you, if you mind me asking.”

“I’m a Munu.”

“Munu, oh I have to do research on the Region. It is only fair to tell you mine. I’m Onxtron” We both look at her with a confused but excited face. She chuckles at us then rolled up her sleeve. We look at her arm and it looks at the Amber Golden Metal. Looking at the texture and light, oh her marks the look like flowers.

“Oh, Miss It looks so pretty.”

“Why thank you. Then may I take a picture of you miss Theo.”

“Ok. I still don’t understand what you want me to do.”

“Just do what you’re doing and act like I’m not here.”

“Ok. I guess.” The ring sounds in the room and I walk over to the Tube message. I pick up and click the button on it. Playing a Hologram message. I can hear Ms. Bennett’s camera going on.

“Hey, Theo, can you come to the Orchid hall and bring me some of the Soak bombs?”

“Ok, mom.” I hung up and set the hall ball down on the track and sent it back.

“Um, I have to go Ms. Bennet. Vi, you want to come with me.”

“Ok Sweetie. I have to go recharger anyway Night little Dears.”

She Flows out the room and Me and Vi get the Soap and head to the Orchid room. Mom was there cleaning the bathtub. Then the Bowl Section of the Floor. Mom looks over at me and puts her hand up.

“Hold on I’ll meet you over there is Floor super Wet and I don’t you to slip and fall in. We don’t want that again.” We back out the hall and then mom walks in the hall away.

“Hello, Violetta Dear How you mother.”

“Good morning miss Lygon. She doing good, she told me to give you these Candles and Cream to help with your cramps.”

“Oh thank you, dear.”

“Mom, if you have cramps I can clean the tubs.”

“You’re too young to clean the bath the last time you couldn’t get out of the bath by yourself.”

“But mom.”

“It’s ok honey I have some of The Upper academy students to come and clean the bath for Volunteer hours and experience. ”

“Ok what I Can Help with.”

“You help a lot, Theo. You run errands and go into town and get deliveries and babysitting. You don’t have to do another thing.”

“But, Mom.”

“Hey, it’s your Summer have fun ok.” Here she reaches into her coverall to get me 45 credits.

“But Mom..”

“Listen, I need you to go to town to the bookstore to pick up your books and Flint Building kit ok.” Then can you get something from Mr. Queen’s shop? Then take the cab cart back.

“Ok, mom.” She Bent down to kiss my head, then turned me and pushed me out the door.

“Violetta makes sure she has some fun Ok. Take Flint with huh he should go have fun too.”

We both laughed and walked to the Main office so I could get my hoverboard and Vi scooter and we headed to the house. Thank goodness Flint was dressed and ready to go. Mom makes him ride on the back of my board because he is too young to use one by law. Even though he helped me build this and add a new jet on it. We rode to the entrance gate to the Inn. From the Property to Town, it is 18 miles away. However, with the shortcut, we found it only takes 10 mins. Through the forest to creek path the 10 mins we are now on Mandarin Avenue. One the street that we take to get to Hart Street in the Shopping district. Getting off my board, I retract my board and then I put on my pack. Violetta put Folds her scooter and hooks it to her satchel.

We walked outside the Stellar Cosmic Book store, a Quick little shop but inviting. Like the other build it Builds of Vaflite Metal Bricks but unlike the other on it was built old Deco-styled build. It is easily one of my favorite shops on this block. We walk in to find Ms. Permelia Granger on the ladder restocking the shelf with new books. When she saw us, she got so excited that she started shrilling. “OH HELLO THERE GIRLS THEODORA, VIOLETTE. AND MY BABY FLINT.” She practically jumps off the ladder and walks over to us somehow tripping down out of nowhere. She is one of the Clumsiest women in the world. I ran over to check on her Violetta and Flint followed me but she just popped like nothing happened.

“Are you ok Ms. Granger?” She looked over at me and dusted herself off and laughed. “Oh yes, my dear I am all right, just very clumsy.” She hugs all of us and then walks over to the desk to check for her glasses on her head. Flint found her glasses on the floor where she just felled previously. “Oh, thank you, dear. Are you guys here to pick your class book?”

“Sadly… But I brought in the Book report Ms. Gran.” Flint went into his pack and pulled out his Emerald green folder and handed it proudly to her. She smiles and opens the folder to glance at the contents. Giving me and Violetta time to get out of our reports. I got out my Eggplant Folder and Violetta took out her mint flower folder. She Smiles and us and walks over to her desk and opens the Report card cabinet. To check our progress Cards, she looked at our progress card to see if we are eligible for a free book. She started the free book program over two years ago. To help kids in town to read more. We have been doing it every year. “Look at you guys you can pick out any book you guys want.”

We walked around excitedly to look for a book. I was looking for the Vanguard level 3 and Engineering origin book. Violetta looks for enchantments and Flint looks for doing types of Hover Vehicles. We walk to the front and she smiles. “Look at you guys getting an information book. Hear your mom’s orders.” She gave me 3 books, and they were packaged in the protective sleeves. Then we got our homework books. I put them in my pack and put my other book away.

“Thank you, Ms. Granger.”

“You’re welcome guys, have fun reading ok.” We left to go to The Queen shop toy store. Flint Was trying to not be excited to go there even though I know he brought his allowance. To buy a new tech kit. I know he was going to be excited that mom already got it for him. We walk to Mr. Queen’s shop and enter a mythical wonderland. The new theme wall that looked like a playable movie scene. What Mr. Queen calls knights to fight monsters and ghouls. After Flint watches the monster’s scene for five minutes, we walking over to Mr. Queen’s check-out stand. He was there to talk to Ms. Queen and his wife, one Flint hero. “Ms. Estella!!” Flint ran over to her and hugged her.

“Oh hi there little one How are your plans coming.”

“Good, I have been working on them for all year.”

Mr. Queen laughed when we got to the counter. “Hi girls. Hi, Flint, do you even know my name?”

“Mr. Umm al..” Violette and I started laughing as I pat Flint’s head.

“Mr. Alonzo.” Mr. Alonzo looked so sad and we both started laughing.

“Wow, Flint, why do you hurt me.”

“I’m so sorry. Your name is too long.” Mr. Queen laughed and pat his head.

“I alright kido. I was happy to be at Mr. queens. Here you pick up your mom’s order.”

“Yes Sir.”

“It’s a pretty big order.”

“Mom asks if you can call a hover cab for us so we can carry it home.” Ms. Queen looks at us with her sweet smile.

“I can take you to give in the van have to go pick up some Fasmiatrium pipes ”

“Yeah!!” Flint spun around and danced around.

“Ok.” I smiled at her.

“Well, while you guys are here you have a look around. I put a new video game in the back and the new hover bikes are coming in and they have a magazine in with all the information in it.” Flint Gasp ran into the store and we followed behind to look at the magazine.

While I was reading a heard some odd noise, I looked up to be sadly greeted by Zander Craft the school jock.

“Well… Look here, it’s the nerdy elf.”

“I’m not an elf, I’m a Volkiss.” What Volkiss you are, we are a mighty and honest race. We are kind of like elves, but only in looks. We are more like dwarfs like in the storybooks. More Labor works than just pretty things on the shelf. That’s why he makes me mad when he calls me that.

“Why are you scrunching your nose up at me?”

“Because you annoy me.” I roll up my magazine and put it in my pack. Then Walk away, but he follows me. He has been nice to me and kinda weird me out.

“Ahh no wait. I didn’t mean to offend.” I stopped and spun and looked Zander in the eye. Zander was the same height as me. He is a Rueda and looks like a big cat. Zander has Gold hair and small lion ears. He has tan-skinned and deep brown eyes. He always wears jock clothing and a dumb smirk on his face.

“Why are you following me?” He gave me one of his dumb smile and wiggles his ear.

“Well, I’m trying to talk to you.”

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Aww Why?”

“Oh, for the love oh everything pure. WHAT DO you want.”

“Well, my 13th birthday is coming up this weekend. ”


“And… I want you to go.”

“I’m going to be helping my mom.”

“Oh, come on Please. You and your Friends can come. Please!” Rights as he said that Violetta walks over with Flint behind me and his friend Tony Hopps and Duncan Lawson.

“Oh Come to Theodora it Be Fun Right Tony!” Tony’s antenna turned red and as he looked over at Violetta.

“Yeah, we’re going to the Glade park to play laser tag and Slime guns.” Violette looked over at me and smiled at me.

“FINE.” He Smiles at me and winks at me.

“Great! Well it’s on June 26. If you don’t have a ride. I can ask my mom to come to pick you up.”

“WHATEVER.” I stomp away as he cracks up and walks to the back where Estella was waiting. She busts up as I walk past her to the back door. We got in the Van and crawled to the bag.

“What is wrong with you Little miss!”


“Hey! I am a boy.”

“You don’t count Flint you’re my brother.” Miss Estella laughed and then went to the van. Violette was reading her book, and then looked over at me.

“I think he is just trying to be nice. Because he likes you.” I eyeball her and she laughs. While Ms. Estella got into the car and looked over at us.

“Violettea I’m dropping you off.”

“Yes ma’am please if you can” She started the car and headed to the Violettea house.

“ Of course, dear. I agree with Violetta. I mean I hate Mr. Queen before we got married.”

“Really,” Flint said.

“Oh yeah, totally but we can talk about that when you guys are older, yeah. Here you go, Violetta.” Violetta gets out of the car and her mom is in the yard watering her planet.

“Hi mom.” She runs and hugs her.

“Hello there, sweetie. Thank you, Estella.”

“No problem.” We drove to our house, and she drove to the gate.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off inside?”

“No, ok, it’s ok Ms. queen. We both know that you and mom won’t stop talking and then you never get to the Scrap Yard if you do.” She laughed.

“Your right ok Let me help load your stuff in your cart.”

“Ok.” We got out of the van and I got on my hoverboard to go get the cart. When I got back to helping Ms. Queen to get the boxes out of the truck. Flint came flying on another cart almost flying passing us. We all laughed and load the cart. We got everything on the cart and then we headed to the house. Mom was outside, and she looked upset. But quickly shook it off as we walked up.

“Hello, my little tiny Beans.”

“What’s wrong mom.”

“Oh, nothing, I’m just looking out for Grandpa Theo.”

“Granny let Him fly here.”

“Sadly, Here you can go inside and eat some lunch on the table. Also, can you guys open the Package for me, please!”

“Ok, mommy.” We ran inside, taking all the boxes in the living room and saw the sand which mom made. We grab the tray and grab the boxes.

“What do you think is Theo?” I opened the packaging, and it was a Rock for a kit cart.

“It is for you little man.”

“Yess!! Why do you think she…”

“Well, just have this one, huh?”


“This one.” I opened the boxes, and it was an Alchemist kit extension.

“Oh Cool, you have the next part you need Theo.” I smile at the box and read the different parts.

“Can I open it, please?”

“No, but you can open the next package.”

“FIne” He opens the package and looks at it crazily.


“Scarlet is a tot right.”

“What a Toddler Yes.”

“So why is there baby stuff?” We looked at each other and looked at the door and mom was there smiling.

“You guys are having a baby Brother.” We look at each other.


“I think that’s a conversation for when you get a little older. So in 6 months, you guys are going to have a baby brother. Are you mad?” She looked concerned, and Flint ran and hugged her. I followed behind him and we looked at her.

“Scarlet is going to be mad.”

“You’re right.” We all laughed with mommy. She went back to work. Flint dragged me outside to the shed to help with his rocket new cart kit. We work on it for an hour and we run our oil.

“I’ll go get some more oil. Hey, please cleans your area.”

“Ok.” I walked to the back of the house in the kitchen and then I heard a man talk to my mom in the living room.

“MRS. Lygon do you know where Sargent Lygon.”

“I am not sure I thought he went to his new Post two weeks ago..”

“MRS.Lygon. I…”

“Colony Mosse. I told you a hundred times in person and on the phone. Now I have three kids, a new baby on the way and a resort to run. Can you please go do your job and I do mine?” She stops at the front door and opens and whips back around to look at him.

“Amelia, you need to help me help you. Stop!.”

“And Carson I tell you to get out of my house.” I hear him walk toward the door and then pause.

“Amelia, your guys are my best friend and I want to find him before anyone else does. “

“And If I know it where he was I would tell you.” Then he walked out the door and slammed it behind him. Then I heard a walk over the Kitchen I quickly went to where the oil was. Then she walks into the room and laughs.

“Theo. I know you were listening.”

“I didn’t mean to swear I was getting more dragon seed oil.”

“I know Are you ok.”

“I’m fine” I tried to leave and then she caught my arm.

“Everything will be ok.”

“I mm Ok. I have to help Flint before he blows up the place.”

“Ok, Theo.” She Kisses my head and then she lets me go and I walk over back to the shed and we work on his Rocket cart. The day went on like I did every day, and nothing was different. We did our chores and worked on homework.

I sat in my room and staring out at the pier. I opened my window and went out to sit on the roof, looking outside. It was like he never left in the first place he was never here. I looked down at our necklace, a key that hung around my neck. I grab it and held it in my hand and look at the horizon. What do I care if he ever… No, I can’t act that way. I look at the purple sun falling on the horizon. “It can only go up from here, rights?”

23 min
2 cards

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