SE@M, One Month In

Serious Eats
Serious Eats
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2 min readJun 3, 2016

Hello! And welcome to the first Letter from Serious Eats @ Medium, the membership publication of Serious Eats. You’re receiving this Letter — we think — because you’re a member or follower of SE@M who has opted to receive such Letters. If you received this Letter in error, we apologize. We’re new at this.

An introduction to SE@M may be found here; and if you’re interested in contributing to our weekly exclusives, guidelines for doing so are here.

As stated in that introduction, we use member fees to pay for exclusive member content. Since we’re currently paying our writers $100 per week for those exclusives, our very modest goal was to have more than 100 members by the end of SE@M’s first month, so we’d have enough to cover 5 potential exclusives in any given month. We’ve handily though not grossly exceeded that membership threshold, so, great! Thank you!

Now, we have two questions. For members, how do you like those exclusives so far? Which were your favorite? What kinds of other features would you like to see on SE@M? If you could choose, would you rather we solicited more exclusives on the current scale, or paid more for fewer but bigger stories, more expensive writers, added in some extra production values? Or something else entirely?

For those are followers but not yet members — what do you think of SE@M, and what would make SE@M compelling enough for you to consider becoming a member? More/bigger exclusives? Regular video? Stunts? Interviews with famous maniacs? Wrapping something in elastic bands till it explodes?

We’re open to all suggestions, so please feel free to respond publicly to this Letter or email us privately at

For everyone, please do keep up the good work of hitting that little green “Recommend” heart at the bottom of any SE@M story you like, as it’s another way we can pay proper attention to your desires and invest accordingly. Thanks for receiving and reading this Letter, and if you still like us, we’ll be in touch again real soon.

