Connected — P3 Reflection

Alexis Zheng
Serious Games: 377G
1 min readMay 28, 2019

In our P3, we decided to model the networking system. The brainstorming part was the toughest part for us. Initially, we wanted to design a game that reflects the delivery system. Then we thought the idea might be too literal after researching the topic and trying to make the first prototype. Since most of the sorting system in delivery companies are automatic and operated by machines. We were thinking about whether there were deeper systems that we could use, such as the cooperate level systems in various delivery firms. In the end, we passed that idea, ideated couple more ideas and decided to do the networking system in companies.

Players will experience these kinds of fun: discovery (chances to meet new people), challenge (this is a competition game), and values (players will get an understanding of how to grow their networks in working environments). Connected used the mechanics of finding a new person and making a connection with this person. Connections include weak connections and strong connections. Through the system game project, I learned that we should pick the “highlighted” or “sorbet” elements in a complicated system. Our group spent a long time talking about Catan, which is a great system game that selects the most important features in an ecosystem and built environment.

My biggest question was and still is “how to balance the representation of the system and the fun in system games”. When the system game is getting more representative, it reflects a more accurate system, however, the game itself will be more complex as well.

