Into the Abyss: A DarkER Story

Yibing Du
Serious Games: 377G
3 min readDec 13, 2018

Intro & Intention:

Everyone loves detective stories, but not everyone understands what a tragedy means to the victim’s family. In this interactive fiction game, I would let players play the role of a mother who lost her daughter in a murder a year ago and investigates the crime by talking to people her daughter knew.

Having found the interactive fiction the most challenging project, I decided to finish it by fleshing out the story and adding interesting mechanisms. I also added sound effects and visual design.

The game is here!


The story starts with the mother’s memories and unfolds as she begins her investigation. Here, I used scratch notes to show the characters, locations, plot, and journey in the story.

Characters and locations of the story
Plot and journey of the story


After several playtests with classmates and friends, I realized there were several major problems I need to solve.

Challenges I faced

As some people thought the story was confusing and were unsure about what they were supposed to learn from it, I realized I need to improve the story so that it is clear and engaging. I booked five appointments at Hume Center and got lots of valuable feedback. I revised the language (grammar, word choice & tone) to make it sound more like a mother talking, and I decided to stick to a dark story, which might be very different from many interactive fictions. I also made sure the length is enough to unfold the whole story but not too long that it becomes boring.

Notes I took

Moreover, I decided to assign a unique personality to each character so that it is easier for players to remember their roles and empathize with them. I decided to prioritize finding all clues to letting players make lots of choices because it creates a tension that is important to the story. I also added some sound effects, changed the layout, tried different revealing tricks, and edited the CSS stylesheet.

The final thing!

