Sketchnote: What is Fun?

Hung Nguyen
Serious Games: 377G
1 min readNov 30, 2018

In Ian Bogost’s talk about fun, they give a game designer’s perspective on what ‘fun’ is. To summarize: fun isn’t something that one sprinkles on to a product; fun isn’t something that can be designed consciously.

Fun, according to Bogost, is almost an accidental occurrence that happens when we choose the correct system with correct system boundaries that allow the player to be completely free within it. It’s slow, it’s iterative, but the secrets that fun can spill are worth the wait.

Sketchnote of the talk



Hung Nguyen
Serious Games: 377G

Computer Science student at Stanford University. Would like to change the world with tech, but currently still too lazy to get out of bed in the morning.