When The Sun Went Down 2.0

Madison Willcox
Serious Games: 377G
2 min readDec 12, 2018

It’s finally here

3,909 words

37,752 characters

26 pages single spaced if you stick it in a Google doc

When The Sun Went down

A Twine Interactive Fiction

Play here

Check out the original Medium post on the making of the story because this post will be brief… I’ve got some celebrating to do.


Twine overview: first complete draft -> final

Goodness did I put my heart and soul into this interactive fiction! I have learned the true meaning of underestimation. I have learned that writing is not about words, it’s about ideas. I have learned that ideas are not about being genius, they are about being yourself. I have learned that the quickest way into a wall is not being yourself.

My story is done, and I am exhausted in the best way. I will forever treasure the imaginative places this story has taken me and the reflections it has inspired in me. I have always been someone who “hates” reading and writing. I prefer creativity, music, being with people, doing something active. I’ve come to realize how much writing involves all of those things because it’s just expressing who you are. Writing is nothing to be afraid of.

What an incredible experience. I hope anyone who reads When The Sun Went Down can feel inspired in one way or another, or just simply enjoy pretty colors and cool music.

ሃሌ ሉያ “Hallelujah”

It is done.

