Autodidacticism: Teach Yourself To Succeed

How to roll with the punches as everything changes

T. Dylan Daniel
Serious Philosophy
Published in
12 min readAug 13, 2020


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

The defining characteristic of a successful individual in our time is going to be the ability to learn new things by self-teaching. If you’re not already on that page, you need to flip to it.

Our health is impacted heavily by stress, and our work needs to be a source of stability. Success is simply a good life in which there isn’t too much stress from a career that doesn’t sit well or bills that cannot be paid because there is not enough money. By improving our skills regarding self-teaching, we can learn to make choices that are consistently good — that is, choices that will consistently take us closer to things we want and diminish our stress load, while also meeting our needs. We can also learn new skills quickly by harnessing the power of our own curiosity.

Have you ever been in a situation, perhaps in a classroom, where someone expected you to learn something you just didn’t care about?

What were the results like?

For many of us, the results aren’t great in this sort of situation. But, to take comic book fans as an example, many fans can recite absurdly large amounts of memorized lore. The difference is that the comic books are…



T. Dylan Daniel
Serious Philosophy

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire.