Traits of A Sophist

Are you Being Sold Bullsh*t by Modern-day Gurus?

Brandon Long
Serious Philosophy


José León @josem_leon

The Professor Of Wisdom

Self proclaimed gurus of the internet today can reach an audience and dictate the conversation, ideas, and values of more people than ever previously possible. Jordan Peterson alone has 3.6 million subscribers on his YouTube account, and growing. Therefore, distinguishing between those seeking personal gain, and those seeking to really improve the world is of the utmost importance. This is not a new problem, as Athenians in ancient time wondered about which educators and mentors were motivated by the truth, and which coin.

Traits of a Sophist: Resist Division

How do we know when we are being manipulated for the gain of others? It is not easy to always know who is trying to manipulate you, and who is authentically giving you good advice. Often, both kinds of people come in the same cloths, robed in a willingness to help you do “what’s best for you”. But at some point, the sophist reveals his true intentions: to help himself to your pocketbook or win social acumen by convincing you of his ideas.

In Plato’s Sophist, Or, The Professor of Wisdom the goal of identifying sophists is taken up. The dialogue takes place between a stranger and Theaetetus. There is a metaphor…



Brandon Long
Serious Philosophy

Writes about science, politics, philosophy, and the spaces that separates us as as species — and occasionally in story form.