10 tips to improve your Daily Scrum

Are you running Daily Scrums properly? Here’s some basic ideas to help you improve them.

Scott Oliver
Serious Scrum


The Daily Scrum, this is the official term. But you might of heard some people refer to it as the daily stand-up, the stand-up or the huddle.

When done right, it is very valuable for the Development Team. When done badly it can become unbearable and a chore that people don’t want to do.

1. Stick to the 15 minutes timebox

The Daily Scrum has a timebox of 15 minutes, this is the maximum time taken, but it can be shorter. If your Daily Scrum is running over then it may be time to look at what is going on within it. As long as everyone is getting value it should be simple to keep within the timebox.

It’s not easy to interrupt someone talking, but if they are rambling and not adding value, don’t be afraid to jump in. There is plenty time outside of the Daily Scrum to have bigger conversations. Let’s try keep the Daily Scrum focused and stick to the timebox.

2. What are you saying?

The Daily Scrum is a chance for the team to inspect their progress towards the Sprint Goal and to plan the next 24 hours. The Development Team should be using their skills…



Scott Oliver
Serious Scrum

Agile Coach| NLP Master Practitioner Coach | Ex User Experience Designer | Passionate about building self organising teams and humanising the workplace.