It’s time to rediscover Scrum!

5 controversial topics that were removed from Scrum

Scrum then and now, part 1

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2018


If you adopted Scrum five years or longer ago you will have had a different source to understand Scrum than exists today. There are many things that once were defined as Scrum, even mentioned in the Scrum Guide, but were removed at some point. Some items were taken out altogether, other items were replaced by something else. It is logical that many still link these topics to Scrum, but Scrum has evolved and as a result it is no longer valid to do this.

Here are 5 controversial items that were either removed or replaced. If these items put you off before you may want to reconsider if Scrum helpful for you.

1. Chicken and pigs

The Scrum Guide had the following story:

“A chicken and a pig are together when the chicken says, “Let’s start a restaurant!” The pig thinks it over and says, “What would we call this restaurant?” The chicken says, “Ham n’ Eggs!” The pig says, “No thanks, you’d only be involved but for me it would be a real commitment!”

The Scrum Team are the pigs, everyone else is a chicken. A chicken can’t tell the pigs how to do their work. The story did not always have the desired effect. It…



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.