Agile Introspection Asking Your Software Development Team This One Question

The art of asking the right question can show you where tech debt is lurking

Timothy Mugayi
Serious Scrum


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

It has been my personal experience that if things are not happening as you expect when building software, chances developers probably have a pretty good idea why things aren’t working. After all, they are the builders.
Building software is a complicated endeavor, and the success of a product depends on many things ranging from top management, stakeholders, and human resourcing to the introverted developer sitting alone, and punching away on his keyboard into the late hours. Regardless of whether you genuinely believe in Scrum or not, asking this one question can tell you a lot about the kind of product you are building.

What is the Question Then?

If I wanted to (sell/giveaway) the software you have built to the (opensource community/client) right this moment, do you think they will be happy to (buy it/use it)?

I believe, as software developers, we are authors of our creations, and we should take pride in the things we create. We are more likely to build a product that transcends time if we believe in what we are creating.

The question is an…



Timothy Mugayi
Serious Scrum

Tech Evangelist, Instructor, Polyglot Developer with a passion for innovative technology, Father & Health Activist