Are you mad trying to hammer Scrum into your organization using a screwdriver?

Four strong archetypes you can use to boost your Scrum transformation

Fredrik Carleson
Serious Scrum


Have you had the gut feeling your Scrum implementation doesn’t fit your organization? Like trying to fit the wrong piece into a puzzle? You might be right!

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Change management is a structured approach to guide individuals, groups, and organizations from the current situation to a desirable future state. The discipline of Change Management is vast, and the number of theories numerous. Still, the field remains surprisingly unexplored by many Scrum practitioners. Frameworks, such as SAFe, rely only on Kotters “eight steps” process, for example.

Scrum and Agile embrace the idea of change. We hear phrases such as “inspect and adapt” or “relentless improvement.” We refer to Scrum Masters as “Change Agents.” The Scrum guide states:

“ A Scrum Team is expected to adapt the moment it learns anything new through inspection.” — Scrum Guide 2020

Still, so many change initiatives to implement Scrum fail. Are we missing something?

Type of organization

When introducing Scrum, you need to take the organization’s culture and current situation into…



Fredrik Carleson
Serious Scrum

Twenty years plus of continuous professional expertise in the information technology sector working in the private sector and United Nations in Europe and Asia.