Are you working with Scrum or eXtreme Go Horse (XGH)?

Sometimes we feel that we are working with anything but Scrum.

David Pereira
Serious Scrum
Published in
7 min readMay 6, 2020


Photo by REVOLT on Unsplash

I assume that if you have worked with Scrum, at some point in time, you wondered, “Is this Scrum?”. I have experienced numerous misunderstandings about Scrum, and so many anti-patterns, which held teams back from getting the benefits that Scrum can give. Unfortunately, many organizations get disappointed and give up from Scrum; but are they working with Scrum or eXtreme Go Horse?

The Agile Methodology eXtreme Go Horse is a satire of inadequate implemented agile frameworks; yet, I have seen such situations with many Scrum Teams. The cases I am referring to are:

  • Endless bugs and technical debt.
  • Blaming developers when things go wrong.
  • No clear prioritization.
  • No ownership.

Endless bugs and technical debts

I worked with multiple Scrum Teams, at some point in time, I felt like we were in a negative spiral; the more we worked, the more bugs and technical debt we created. Most probably, you have experienced something similar to that if you worked with Scrum. The root cause for this issue can vary a lot, for example, poor definitions of done, poor development…



David Pereira
Serious Scrum

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