Call For Participants — the State of your Scrum Teams

Sander Dur
Serious Scrum
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2022

After writing roughly 60 articles, it feels almost natural that writing a book would be a great next step. Ryan and I figured that besides our regular consulting gigs, teaching classes, hosting and guest-appearing on podcasts, writing articles, engaging with our Discord community, and our family life with kids, we didn’t have that much to do so we might as well fill that time by writing a book.

We feel that there is a space for more light-hearted material, whilst still being highly reflective and helpful to apply in practice. While there are many books out there painting the picture of how Scrum should work, we specifically decided to start to check in with you, our dearly beloved reader, on antipatterns that might have slipped in. Antipatterns that we have reached out to a global audience, and not only based on our experience.

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

We now properly started to write just this book. To get some solid information on how Scrum Teams are operating in practice, we would love to get your input. Before going to the big, scary world besides this community, you’ll get the scoop on our first survey.

For the purpose of keeping you as unbiased in answering the questions as possible, we’ll not tell you the reason behind these questions. When we close the information gathering here, we’ll share what assumption we were validating and what kind of information we extracted from this survey. We would like to thank you all for supporting us in this journey. If you leave your name and email, we’ll give the participants a couple of $20 Amazon gift cards!

To fill out the survey, click right here.

For more updates and the option to join the proofreading panel, join the Mastering Agility Discord Community!



Sander Dur
Serious Scrum

PST at Scrum Mastering from the Trenches. Podcast host at “Mastering Agility”, found on all big platforms. LinkedIn: