Can an Empty Mind Help You Adopt Scrum?

This core Zen concept can help you modify your behavior.

Todd Lankford
Serious Scrum


Scrum does not fit your organization.

How could I know that Scrum does not fit you? I have not seen you practice Scrum. I have not witnessed your successes or struggles.

I know this because Scrum was not designed to fit your organization. It does not have everything you need. Scrum requires you to add complemetary practices so that it will thrive within your organization.

Scrum is:

- Lightweight

- Simple to understand

- Difficult to master

The Scrum Guide

Let’s take that last aspect of Scrum: it is difficult to master. The main cause of this difficulty is the hardened norms of your organization. Your current status quo is in the way. Scrum appears not to fit when your ingrained behaviors run contrary to the Scrum Values.

Scrum is difficult to master because you refuse to let go of your existing, limiting beliefs and behaviors. Your resistance to change is the culprit behind the difficulty.

As a result, many decide to adapt Scrum to fit their organization or give up on it…



Todd Lankford
Serious Scrum

Hi–I’m Todd. I help managers and product teams maximize outcomes while respecting people.