Daily Scrum Pocketcasts

“Scrum — A Pocket Guide” in five episodes

Gunther Verheyen
Serious Scrum


Ever since the accidental creation of my book “Scrum — A Pocket Guide” in 2013, and its deliberate evolution in 2019, I’ve been receiving inquiries about an audiobook version. So far, I have not been able to make that happen but the 2020 pandemic storm got me into implementing the audio idea in a different form.

In five subsequent daily broadcasts I have read all chapters from my pocket guide to Scrum.

In Episode 1 (49:07) I have read:
Foreword by Ken Schwaber
1.1 To shift or not to shift
1.2 The origins of Agile
1.3 Definition of Agile
1.4 The iterative-incremental continuum
1.5 Agility can’t be planned

In Episode 2 (55:08) I have read:
1.6 Combining Agile and Lean
2.1 The house of Scrum
2.2 Scrum, what’s in a name?
2.3 Is that a gorilla I see over there…



Gunther Verheyen
Serious Scrum

Gunther calls himself an independent Scrum Caretaker on a journey of humanizing the workplace with Scrum. He is the author of “Scrum - A Pocket Guide”.