Release software in Cloud, Desktop and Enterprise Platforms

What is the production environment for Cloud, Desktop and Enterprise platforms

Pasquale Langella
Serious Scrum


There are different production environment types when it comes to releasing software:

  • Cloud applications like Gmail, that have their production environments in the cloud and are not installed on customer premises
  • Desktop applications like Libre Office that are installed on the end customer physical machine
  • Enterprise software products like SAP that are released in modules by SAP SE and later need to be customized to adapt to the customer needs

What does it mean to release to production then?

What is the production environment for each of these application types?

How the different application types affect release planning?

Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

Release software in Cloud

In cloud-native platforms, everything is under the control of the organization that owns the product. If an update is done to the software in the cloud, it can be automatically distributed to all the end-users. Most of the time, the…



Pasquale Langella
Serious Scrum Agile, DevOps, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, these are some of my interests :) You can find more about me on my website