Do you deliver as a Tanker, Truck, or Bicycle?

Three different patterns for delivering Increments using Scrum

Fredrik Carleson
Serious Scrum


Let's face it. The organization we live and breathe in affects how we work and implement Scrum. From my experience, the context and culture of a company decide how we deliver. Or create Increments, as Scrum calls it.

An Increment is a concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal. Each Increment is additive to all prior Increments and thoroughly verified, ensuring that all Increments work together. In order to provide value, the Increment must be usable. Multiple Increments may be created within a Sprint — Scrum Guide 2020

I have experienced the Tanker, Family Meal Truck, and Pizza Bicycle Delivery pattern. Which one are you?

Different delivery patterns. Collage of pictures from

Tanker Delivery Pattern - Release Windows

Suppose you live in Europe and crave a nice steak, bananas, and coffee from South America? It would be cumbersome and ridiculously costly for you to purchase a whole shipment directly from a supplier. When handling logistics for a freight ship, you need to fill it up with lots and lots of containers to get economy of scale.

There is a lot of planning from anyone involved. The logistics company wants to make sure they are using the total…



Fredrik Carleson
Serious Scrum

Twenty years plus of continuous professional expertise in the information technology sector working in the private sector and United Nations in Europe and Asia.