FAST Agile and Scrum

And Fluid Scrum Teams as the best of both worlds

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum


Recently, I read about FAST Agile. It struck me that this approach is promoted as the true answer to complexity, contrary to Scrum:

Fluid Scaling Technology (FAST Agile) fills the gap for a purely complex agile method.” — Ron Quartel

The writers of the FAST Guide (version 2.1)* state Scrum isn’t suited for complex challenges. According to them, Scrum is a “boundary transition technique between complex and complicated”.

This sparked my interest. What is their argument to state Scrum isn’t suited for complex environments? What makes FAST Agile so different? Would they be able to convince me of these statements?

I decided to put my observations forward in this article. As it turns out, I began to like FAST Agile more and more. But didn’t agree with all the arguments against Scrum. I also like to combine the best of both worlds. I call it Fluid Scrum Teams.

Picture from morzaszum via Pixabay

What is FAST Agile?

FAST Agile is a solution for software, product development and agile at scale. It claims to be suited for complex environments where collaboration is key.

“FAST is ideally suited for business environments or challenges that show complexity, rapid change, or where there…



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.