Firefighting Puts Scrum Teams and Value In Opposite Directions

When all that matters is fixing urgent issues, no time is left to do what could lead to outstanding results.

David Pereira
Serious Scrum
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2021


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Business pushes teams to deliver more output. All they want is to keep the engine running as fast as possible. Developers become feature machines, and their mission is to maximize the output at all costs. Nothing is more important than increasing the output!

Such unprecedented pressure only leads to more and more disappointments. Scrum Teams may deliver more features, yet they increase the tech debt by reducing the quality. Bugs arise more often than ever. Eventually, the Scrum Team becomes a firefighting team. Day-in, day-out, all they do is fix the bugs caused by the features stakeholders wanted, and nobody needed.

When teams fall into the firefighter mode, no time is left to do what matters most; solving end-users REAL problems.

I’m tired of pointless discussions about more features. I’m done with pleasing stakeholders. It’s time to stop firefighting and start doing what Scrum Teams should do; deliver value sooner!

“It doesn’t matter…



David Pereira
Serious Scrum

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