Fix your Scrum with these easy steps

Three things to bring forward

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum


Scrum is a simple framework. It has 5 events, 3 roles, 3 artifacts, 5 values and some additional rules. As simple as it is, reality bites. Things that are simple and lightweight can be very difficult to understand and therefore a pain to be put in practice:

“Scrum is lightweight, simple to understand, difficult to master” — Scrum Guide 2017 (formatting is my adaptation)

To fix a Scrum adoption, I always start with the following easy steps. You can see it as a quick reference if you wish to start using Scrum or if you struggle with Scrum.

By HeungSoon at Pixabay

1. The ideal Scrum environment

Scrum is a framework to develop, deliver and sustain complex products. Hence you need to assess your product environment is indeed complex. For this, there are handy tools like the Stacey Matrix or Cynefin.

2. The foundation of Scrum

Scrum is built upon empiricism, which means transparency, inspection, adaptation. Empiricism helps you to build products of the highest value in a complex environment.

  • Transparency is about having a shared understanding of the state of an item.



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.