Fluid Scrum Teams to Address the Complete Product Experience

A product experience is about more than the core product — it requires more diversity in your teams

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum


Scrum exists to create products of the highest possible value in a complex environment. Scrum Teams are no bigger than 10 people. This may be sufficient to build and sustain the core product, but a product is more than that, as depicted below.

The Complete Product Experience by Brian de Haaff

The core functionality of the product is only a part of the complete product experience. Typically, only ‘Technology’ works with Scrum. Clearly, this team, or these teams, can’t be responsible for the other aspects too.

Still, the Scrum Guide has the following to say about the Scrum Team responsibilities:

“The Scrum Team is responsible for all product-related activities from stakeholder collaboration, verification, maintenance, operation, experimentation, research and development, and anything else that might be required.” — Scrum Guide 2020

The Scrum Team can’t be responsible for the pieces of the product they don’t control. But Scrum has a way to solve this apparent contradiction. The product is split into components or — preferably — features. Scrum Teams can then be focusing on a feature, a piece of the product puzzle.



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum

https://ageling.substack.com Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.