Full-time or Part-time Scrum Mastery

part-time Scrum Master versus dedicated Scrum Master, how do we find the balance between these two extremes?

Erik de Bos
Serious Scrum


I was a Scrum Master and Developer for many years before I finally decided to become a full-time Scrum Master. It was a step that skyrocketed my development as a Scrum Master. But at the same time, I also lost a synergy with my teams that years later I still miss.

How to solve this dilemma? Whether to be a Scrum Master while also having another role, working side by side with the team, or to be a dedicated Scrum Master, able to focus completely on the role but distanced from the team?

I think back to a startup where I worked when I made the switch, and realise that experience may hold some answers.

Getting started

I started off as a Scrum Master and Developer of the single team they had. It was easy to win my team over.

As their Scrum Master, I quickly busied myself dismantling the top-down, command & control process they had put together, inspired by Scrum. To be honest, I was just bringing some balance, and management were nice people, with good, if misguided intentions. But to the Developers I became their champion, winning them more control over their work and respect for their contributions.

As one of the Developers, I showed them how to work as a team and how to bring focus. And how remaining faithful…



Erik de Bos
Serious Scrum

I am a Scrum Master, Agile Coach, writer, speaker and editor. I believe in Agile as a catalyst to improve our work, our lives and our society.