How Does QA Fit with Scrum?

The typical misunderstandings of QA with Scrum

David Pereira
Serious Scrum
Published in
8 min readJul 9, 2020


QA: As the person responsible for the product quality, I do not approve the release to happen, it’s not working properly on Internet Explorer.

Product Owner: As the person responsible for maximizing the product value, I approve to go-live NOW! Also, we don’t have clients using Internet Explorer. This is no blocker at all.

QA: We have to cover Internet Explorer, it’s part of our browsers coverage. So, no go-live is happening until the compatibility problem is fixed.

Product Owner: It makes no sense. We need to review the browsers you are testing based on our audience. Otherwise, we waste our time. But for now, the go-live must happen!

Despite the fact the Product Owner and QA are in the same team and share the same objectives, the tension between them is getting higher and higher, yet, the discussion is leading nowhere. This is a typical situation between QA and the Product Owner.

How could we avoid such disputes? How could we collaborate more? During my journey as a Product Owner, I have found some alternatives to approach this situation. Let’s explore them.

The QA role within the Scrum Team



David Pereira
Serious Scrum

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