How to Make an Agile Gantt Chart™ in Just 2 Steps

This is so easy…

Paddy Corry
Serious Scrum


Step 1. Make a Gantt Chart

Here’s an example below. Witness how it tames the future and helps us control it! 😮 Amazing.

A normal ‘waterfall’ Gantt chart. Booo!

Step 2. Edit the Title

Simply add the word ‘Agile’ to the title of your Gantt chart!

Congratulations 😄 Your Gantt Chart is now Certified Agile! See below:

A lovely ‘agile’ Gantt chart. Yayyy!

And You’re Done!

Aren’t agile transformations the easiest!? *

Alternatively, how about a Scrum Gantt Chart™?

Psst! The steps are the same!! 😮

Hey Presto!

Now your Scrum Team can happily continue working with your Project Management Team to ensure that Scrum happens by the book!**

*Agile transformations are not easy

**This is not Scrum by the book.



Paddy Corry
Serious Scrum

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