Let’s do Scrum! But without a Scrum Master. Why does it happen?

The delusion you don’t need a Scrum Master when you do Scrum will ensure many frustrations.

David Pereira
Serious Scrum


Many companies want to say they do Scrum. But from my perception, it’s what they say, but not what they do. I’ve been part of many Scrum teams, where we had no Scrum Master. Can this approach be called Scrum at all? I guess I am not alone in this scenario. But why does it happen?

Companies have a hard time understanding what Scrum is about. Many people perceive Scrum as a set of roles, events, and artifacts. They miss the mindset behind doing Scrum. As long as organizations try to do Scrum with the traditional mindset, Scrum will be no more than a dream.

The misconception of Scrum doesn’t happen only at the executive level. During my journey, I’ve heard tough statements from Product Owners and Developers many times; some examples are:

  • Scrum Master is the most useless role ever.
  • We don’t need a babysitter to take care of us.
  • Our Scrum Master doesn’t add any value to our team.

Let’s dive deeper into the misunderstanding of the Scrum Master role.

Does it make sense to have a Scrum Master?



David Pereira
Serious Scrum

I don't write on Medium anymore. Find my content at Untrapping Product Teams https://dpereira.substack.com/