Mastering Scrum Together!

Guiding others on their Road to Mastery

Sjoerd Nijland
Serious Scrum
Published in
6 min readAug 11, 2021


Around the time I obtained my PSMIII, I felt absolutely lost. The knowledge gap between me and those I worked with, became an impediment. You would think it’s a moment you work hard towards and the culmination of all that knowledge would make you feel you’ve truly mastered it.

The opposite happened. I felt alone on an island far removed from those who it was my duty to support. I didn’t master Scrum at all.

Developing a shared understanding of Scrum within a company is a major challenge. Ask any Scrum Master.

Take these juxtapositions I encountered:


Management: Scrum is a methodology to manage development teams.
Scrum Master: Scrum is a framework to enable teams to self-manage how they work.
Developer: Scrum is a process that tells me how I have to organize my work.


Management: Scrum teams need to increase velocity every Sprint.
Product Owner: Scrum teams focus on maximizing value every Sprint.
Developer: Management wants to know exactly how much work we can do each Sprint.

Key indicators:

Project Manager: Key performance indicators are: velocity, billability, productivity, resource…



Sjoerd Nijland
Serious Scrum

Founder Serious Scrum. Scrum Trainer. Join the Road to Mastery.