Scrum creates spoiled brats!

Anshul Kapoor
Serious Scrum
Published in
7 min readNov 6, 2019


This is a tale of how evil Scrum spoils innocent developers, testers, analysts, project managers, and converts them into spoiled brats - illustrated through the story of a fictional bank, called Macdroid bank, which is using Scrum to build a mobile application for its customers.

Scrum is a bad influence

Background to the story

3 years ago:

Macdroid bank decided to adopt Scrum for its product development (here’s another story about Macdroid bank). This journey continued over the next 3 years.


Due to organizational resistance to change, insecurities of some senior executives, and mainly political reasons - in a closed-door boardroom meeting, it has been declared that Scrum does not work. There is a unanimous decision to go back to older ways of working that existed prior to Scrum adoption. Of course, the manner in which this decision needs to be communicated to people outside the boardroom is very different.

Characters of the story

Boss: Head of IT department

SK: He is Boss’s SideKick.

SM: The current Scrum Master.

FDev: 3 years ago she was a Developer who only worked on front-end (JavaScript). In the last 3 years, as a Scrum team member, she has picked up additional skills on the…

