Serious Scrum Weekly Update #49

Paddy Corry
Serious Scrum
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2019


This week, all the Serious Scrum activities and publications from the 3rd of August to the 9th of August.

6 posts this week, and we welcomed a new writer

Before that though, a shout out to John Clopton who gave a lightning talk this week at Agile2019 in Washington DC on “What do Scrum Masters do all day?”

That’s only the biggest Agile Conference in the world you know. If you’re curious to know what the talk was about, check out John’s Serious Scrum post here: What does a Scrum Master do?

Also, you’ll get another chance to see John’s talk at Agile Midwest in St. Louis in September. Nice work John!

Ok, on to the business of this week’s publications in Serious Scrum:

1. “The Next Iteration of the Scrum Guide: What to expect?”, by Paddy Corry

Paddy noticed that there’s a new iteration of the Scrum Guide under construction and tried to forecast the type of changes we can expect from the next update to the guide.

2. “Problem-solving not feature-building”, by Sjoerd Nijland

Sjoerd continued his awesome ‘Scrum and Lean UX’ series this week with a subject close to my own heart, extolling the virtues of bringing problems to development teams to solve, rather than solutions to implement.

3. “Our experience with the Classic Retrospective format”, by Resmi Murali

Welcome to Serious Scrum Resmi! In her first Serious Scrum post, Resmi Murali describes an experience with a classic retrospective format on World Retrospective day: 27th February.

4. “The overenthusiastic Scrum Team member”, by Willem-Jan Ageling

Ever had help inflicted on you? Willem-Jan takes a look at a scenario where too much help can be harmful.

5. “The 12 enemies of adaptability. Episode 3 Decision Bias”, by Marty de Jonge

Marty continues his series on the enemies of adaptability. This week, it’s about how an inability to make decisions can harm teams.

6. Heart of Agile uncovers the essence of Scrum, by Willem-Jan Ageling

This week Willem-Jan inspected what Alistair Cockburn meant when he said that ‘agile has become overly decorated.’ What is at the heart of Agile?

Hope you enjoyed these posts! Thanks for reading.

Do you want to write for Serious Scrum or seriously discuss Scrum?



Paddy Corry
Serious Scrum

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