The Sprint Planning with Fluid Scrum Team

A practical use case

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum


I’m interrupting my feasibility evaluation of Scrum briefly. The reason is that lately, I received several requests to give some pointers on how to do Sprint Planning with Fluid Scrum Teams. I had several coaching sessions on the topic when I decided it makes sense to put my example in writing as a practical use case.

Fluid Scrum Teams organize themselves based on the work at hand. Every time new topics need to be addressed, the people organize themselves to optimize their chances to succeed with their challenges.

The pool of people is stable and cohesive. They typically are more than 10 people. Maybe even up to 50. They form smaller teams each Sprint to maximize their effectiveness.

Let’s now discuss how a Fluid Scrum Team Sprint Planning can work.

Image by Chris Martin from Pixabay

Characteristics of the Sprint Planning

The Sprint Planning in Scrum is an event for the entire Scrum Team. Product Owner, Scrum Master and Developers all collaborate to create a plan for the Sprint.

The Sprint Planning has three topics:

  • Why is this Sprint valuable? This leads to Sprint Goal.
  • What can be done in the Sprint? This leads to a selection of Product Backlog…



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.