unFIX — Liberating Collaboration to create a Product Experience

And how it is related to Fluid Scrum Teams

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum


Many companies are looking for better ways to increase their user’s product experience. Many other companies don’t realise this is what they need to strive for.

Today’s world is about distinguishing yourself by creating unique value. A product is a vehicle to provide this value. We live in a complex world and value creation is a discovery. This requires collaboration. Breaking silos between different parts of the value stream.

The traditional setup of Scrum teams and other agile teams is often quite siloed. Especially when the product is divided into several features with Product Owners responsible for each of these features.

Companies have been looking to overcome these silos and foster collaboration between teams and also with stakeholders. One of the most used approaches is SAFe. But SAFe is more focused on delivery. Less on discovery.

Another approach is the Spotify Engineering Culture. But this approach, promoted as a mix of daily practice and an aspiration from Spotify at that time, 2017, heavily leans on the autonomy of the teams. Which has the risk of team-level-suboptimization.

A third example is LeSS, which is about grappling with a complex environment with multiple feature teams. Of the three approaches I discussed here, this comes closest to product discovery in a complex environment. But still…



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum

https://ageling.substack.com Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.