Vertically splitting stories

Slicing the stories in smaller vertical chunks makes the estimation more efficient.

Yamini Hundare
Serious Scrum
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2020


If your team is struggling with spillovers and the team tends to split the story horizontally this article is for you.

Spillovers are not always bad, it depends on a team’s planning mechanism. For more insights on this do read the blog written by Maarten Dalmijn

Before we dive into slicing the story I would like to elaborate on “Vertical slicing”

If you see the image of the cake added in the article, you can see multiple layers. Every feature that we develop and deliver has different layers just like the cake. Requirements, Development, Testing, Code scanning, Performance, Deployment, etc. When we horizontally slice the feature, we only complete certain layers of work, the major concern is you cannot deliver them to the customer. Imagine if the Baker only hands you the base of the cake, or only the creamy layer will you be happy as a customer?



Yamini Hundare
Serious Scrum

I am an aspiring writer who loves to write about agile mindset, my own experiences and children's stories. I am a published author.