We do Scrum but…

We Hate the Scrum Events!

How they ended up hurting the people they should strengthen

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum
Published in
10 min readSep 18, 2022


Many people hate one, some, or all of the Scrum events. As they wouldn’t add value. Developers see them as a waste of time because nothing comes out of them. Or worse: they kill productivity, they kill the flow of the team.

The worst Scrum Masters can say is that the team has to have the events because the Scrum Guide says so. “It says so” is not a good enough reason. It’s vital to understand why the Scrum Guide says so.

In this article, I will go through the Scrum event anti-patterns and discuss how you could move to effective events.

Photo by cottonbro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-man-standing-on-the-crowd-8088434/

The purpose of the events

Here is a quote from the Scrum Guide that already sheds a light:

“Events are used in Scrum to create regularity and to minimize the need for meetings not defined in Scrum.” — Scrum Guide 2020

There’s some irony here. The Scrum events that are hated by many exist to limit the number of meetings.

How can this be that the Scrum events should help the developers to have more time on their hands, but are so often causing the opposite?



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum

https://ageling.substack.com Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.