“We Stopped Working With a Scrum Master and We’re Killing It”

“We don’t need the Scrum Master function!”

Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum


The Scrum Master is an important role in the Scrum framework. But can a team be successful without one designated person filling this role? And is such a team truly doing Scrum? Here’s a story about a team deciding to follow the path of not having a single appointed Scrum Master.

Image by 272447 from Pixabay

The Scrum Master leaves the team

Pierre took team Lightning by surprise when he started his announcement, “Carla, our CTO, saw how great we are doing. At the same time, team Thunder struggles. This is why she asked me to help them forward by being their Scrum Master. I said yes. I look forward to a new challenge.”

Eighteen months ago — before Pierre joined the team — team Lightning was in an awful spot. People outside of the team dictated what they had to do and how they had to do it. They didn’t allow the team to self-organise. With that, the planning, dailies, review, and retro were a joke. The team hated Scrum.

Pierre changed all of this. He started to shield the team from unpleasant stakeholders and helped them grow as a self-organising team. It took them less than 3 months to be best in class. Everyone envied them, thanks to Pierre.



Willem-Jan Ageling
Serious Scrum

https://ageling.substack.com Writer, editor, founder of Serious Scrum. I love writing about maximizing value.