Why do most Product Owners misunderstand what value means?

The output obsession leads Product Owners to multiple failures. It’s time to stop ignoring the outcome.

David Pereira
Serious Scrum
Published in
6 min readSep 17, 2020


How many story points is the team delivering per Sprint?

How can you help the team deliver more story points?

Is the amount of story points delivered satisfactory for the stakeholders?

I stumbled upon these questions multiple times. But they are the wrong questions. They lead us to pointless conversations, where we focus on the output while ignoring the outcome. Until Product Owners understand what value means, Scrum Teams will be locked in a trap called the feature factory.

I am not better than anyone; I’ve also fallen into the feature factory trap already. I used to think increasing the number of story points delivered per Sprint was the same as maximizing the business value. I spent a lot of time searching for opportunities to speed up the team’s velocity. But I forgot to measure what matters the most — the outcome.

The output is a means to an end, NOT the end itself

Many Product Owners believe once a feature is in the live environment, the work is done. Then, they can jump to the next…



David Pereira
Serious Scrum

I don't write on Medium anymore. Find my content at Untrapping Product Teams https://dpereira.substack.com/