Why implementing Scrum is exactly like losing weight

Sander Dur
Serious Scrum
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2022


Today’s world is drenched with temptations. Unhealthy snacks and chocolate are displayed at the checkout aisle, begging you to take them home. Suckling on your desire to satisfy a very short-term dopamine boost. That’s no different with Scrum; people with different agendas will be lurking in the dark, trying to lure you with sweets and dreams or the land of Coca-Cola and Twix.

Making Scrum work for you is the same thing as losing weight. It doesn’t happen overnight. And it’s going to be painful at times. Sometimes you’ll even wish you never started! Luckily, there are positive comparisons, too.

Start with understanding why

If we don’t feel the purpose of why we should change the way we work, need to lose weight, or any other change, it’s more probable that we won’t succeed.
It’s not sufficient to know why. The doctor can tell me I should drop some pounds, but that doesn’t really motivate me emotionally. A picture of myself in boxer shorts when I started working with a trainer (more on that later) was a much bigger scare, resulting in an impenetrable drive.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Visualize the perfect state you want to be in. Understand your direction. Body fat is the same as organizational waste. To give you a personal example: a few years ago I noticed…



Sander Dur
Serious Scrum

PST at Scrum.org. Scrum Mastering from the Trenches. Podcast host at “Mastering Agility”, found on all big platforms. LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sanderdur