About me

Nuno Rafael Gomes
Serious Learning
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2017

A small introduction.

A Lean & Agile Workshop facilitated by me, using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method.

Nuno’s lighthouse, borrowed and adapted from John Maxwell:

“Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn.”

Discover market opportunities, frame and solve problems, build an organization and its business, and delight customers is hard. But even harder is the journey to unlock your inner self.

Your perceptions and internal belief system shape the reality you sense, keeping you alive but blind most of the time. Very often, you must unlearn what you have learned at school and from your past experiences.

In life, to create your own value and uncover your mantra, you must reinterpret yourself and build your own learning path.

Nuno’s self-discovery journey throughout the years connects Agile, Systems and Lean thinking, Kaizen philosophy, Complex Adaptive Systems, and the invisible power of Scrum.

With almost 20 years’ experience playing and learning with different people, teams, and business challenges, Nuno currently works as an independent Lean Agile Coach helping People to achieve their potential, Teams to perform better and Organizations to be nimble.

Nuno is also the founder of Agile Connect®, a platform that encourages and supports the widespread adoption of effective Lean & Agile thinking and practices, and the editor of Serious Learning, an online publication devoted to Lean, Agile, Active Learning, Training & Development and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.

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Nuno Rafael Gomes
Serious Learning

Father & husband, #lean and #agile aficionado, #systems thinker, #education and #innovation passionate.