An Intro To Media

Abi White
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2017


KPI — Key Performance Indicator(s) = determined goals/success metrics you plan to measure.

CPM — Cost Per Mille/Thousand — refers to the cost an advertiser pays for every one thousand views/impressions their ad loads to a page.
— ->Formula: total cost = ((total impressions x CPM)/1,000)

CPC / PPC — Cost Per Click / Pay Per Click = cost for each click your ad receives.
— ->Formula: total cost = (clicks x CPC)
- PPC = a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to ‘earn’ those visits organically (e.g. PPC advertising programs are provided by Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing etc.)

PPV — Pay Per View = defined by your video or ad/image being visible on the page and 100% in view of a specific duration of time defined at the discretion of the publisher.
— ->Benefit: readers who scroll quickly, paying on a PPV model will ensure your ad was loaded and viewed.

VTC — View Through Click = helps you measure the effectiveness of your ad campaign. A VTC would mean the customer saw your ad, did not click, but in a later session visited your website and converted.

CPL — Cost Per Lead = you’re only paying for leads that are delivered to you through your ad campaign.
E.g. when donors: fill out a form, subscribe to your blog, provide an email address to receive more info.
— ->Very competitive and not guaranteed to deliver in full. Very common in mobile app advertising to drive downloads of another app.

CPA — Cost Per Acquisition / Pay Per Acquisition (PPA) = an online advertising pricing model where the advertiser pays for a specified acquisition.
E.g. a sale, click, or form submit — contact request, newsletter sign up, registration.
— ->Similar to the CPL model, it’s not guaranteed to delivery in full.

CTR — Click Through Rate = allows you to measure the engagement with your ad — higher percentage the higher the engagement.
Formula: number of clicks your ad receives / the number of times your ad was shown.

CTA — Call to Action = your ‘request’ and the users next step after seeing your ad.
E.g. ‘Learn More’, ‘Donate Now’, or “Watch Video’

DSP — Demand Side Platform = system that allows advertisers to purchase display ad inventory across Real Time Bidding (RTB) networks like Google.

This technology allows buyers of digital advertising to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface.
E.g’s. Adobe, AppNexus, DataXu, MediaMath, Amobee, TubeMogul

SSP — Supply Side Platform = a technology platform to enable web publishers to manage their advertising space inventory, fill it with ads, and receive revenue.
— ->Many larger web publishers use an SSP to automate and optimize the selling of their online media space.
— ->SSPs send impressions into ad exchangers, where DSPs purchase them on marketers’ behalf, depending on specific targeting attributes.
E.g’s. Adform, OpenX, Rubicon Project, Telaria, SpotX

RTB — Real Time Bidding = a method of purchasing unsold inventory by CPM through programmatic auction. Your CPM big may be overruled by other advertisers and is not guaranteed — highest big takes inventory priority.
— ->Types of programmatic buys Suggestv does = Fixed CPM on video loads (or ad loads)

DMA — Designated Market Area = a geographic location representing a country or state you choose to target.

PMP — Private Marketplace = an invite only marketplace where high caliber publishers offer their ad inventory to a selected group of advertisers.

This allows the publisher tighter control on which kinds of buyers, advertisers and creatives will be displayed on their site whilst not having to manage individual advertisers like they would in a direct buy.
— ->Can be expensive and time consuming to manage a direct sales team —

PMP’s can potentially replace a sales team with technology.
— ->CPM’s are more competitive in a PMP because premium advertisers are competing for the highest quality ad inventory on very reputable digital properties.

IAB — Interactive Advertising Bureau = a business organisation that sets the industry standard for digital advertising including ad specifications.

ROS — Run of Site = running your digital ads through a ROS channel means you are delivering your online ads on a specific website, ‘site wide’ as opposed to ‘page specific’.

RON — Run of Network = running them through a RON channel means you are delivering your online ads on a specific network that rotates ads.
E.g. Publishers that own several different websites — this rotation is ‘network specific’, not site or page specific.


VTR — View Through Rate = percentage of the video ad watched by users.

DFP — DoubleClick for Publishers = an advertisement software as a service application run by Google.
— ->Can be used as an ad server but also provides a variety of features for managing the sales process of online ads using a publisher’s sales team.

FILL RATE = number of delivered ads divided by number of ad requests; varies by inventory.
— ->Network errors, timeouts and users leaving a page before the ad is delivered are reasons that 100% fill rates are impossible.

Changing the way Video is produced, sold, distributed and consumed…

OTT — over the top = internet-based streaming services.

VOD — video on demand = customers are offered the chance to select when and where to watch, and what to watch.
— ->Contains little to no live streaming.

SVOD — subscription video on demand = gives users unlimited access to wide range of programs for a monthly flat rate; what until you drop…watch with no limits.
E.g. Netflix

TVOD — transactional VOD = is the counterpart of the ‘all you can eat’ buffet concept of SVOD.
— ->Normally won’t charge you anything to sign up for the service; instead, you will pay an amount based on the content you watch.
E.g. Apple iTunes

AVOD — advertising/ad based = free for users to tune in and watch, in return for spending time watching ads.
E.g. YouTube


SAAS — Software As A Service = Suggestv’s pricing model.

SaaS is a software licensing and distribution/delivery model. Software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted (by a 3rd party provider) making it available to customers over the Internet.

E.g.’s of SaaS = Google Apps, Salesforce — can be free of charge or generate revenue from advertising.

SEM — Search Engine Marketing = a form of internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERP’s: Google Search, Bing Search, Yahoo Search) primarily through paid advertising, such as PPC traffic.

SEO — Search Engine Optimisation = pairs nicely with SEM; however, SEO affects the visibility of your website organically through search engines’ unpaid (FREE) results.
— ->Techniques to improve your ranking = using targeted keywords and writing quality content on a consistent basis.

