Another Bloody Atrocity in Britain

“A day of shame”? A nation of shame.

Marc Barham
Seroxcat’s Salon


Infected Blood Inquiry (2018–2024)

Was there a cover-up? Let me directly quote him — there has been”.
PM Rishi Sunak, 20th May 2024

The Infected Blood Inquiry’s final report was released yesterday after six long years of investigation and after forty years — yes that’s right 4 decades — after this atrocity began. I have rejected the word ‘scandal’ because having heard and read about a handful of the 30,000 lives affected by being given contaminated blood — 3,000 have died as a direct result — it is an atrocity.

And it was not just those who received contaminated blood but their loved ones and family members who also suffered not least by watching them suffer and being told that they were being given the best care possible. It was I would argue worse than being tortured, for at least once a prisoner provides any information — true or false — the torture stops.

The elected and unelected members of the British State conspired to deny the truth that contaminated blood had been given to the 30,000 people. Then the State conspired again to deny justice in a prolonged and deliberate rear-guard action against its own deeply unwell and dying citizens to prevent accountability and liability. The State in its caring (sic) iteration as the NHS killed its own sick citizens. The dark and evil…



Marc Barham
Seroxcat’s Salon

Column @ on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site.