It Seems I Have Knowledge of Some Magic Words

Dealing with the DWP disability assessors

Sadie Seroxcat
Seroxcat’s Salon


Photo by David Knudsen on Unsplash

I’ve never been a well person. Even as a child I was always sickly and once my ‘monthly’ (if only it had been so regular) tortures began when I was twelve years old that simply marked the beginning of a long decent, as far as my health went.

Nevertheless, I was ‘strong-willed’ (as my mother would complain) and determined to pursue my ambitions, both academic and as a dancer.

I very nearly failed my four year degree course, would have been kicked out if not for one (equally strong-willed and bothersome) woman, my personal mentor/tutor, who had really taken to me. She had the empathy and foresight to actually sit down and listen to me explain ALL of the things I had going on that year — then come up with a solution which saw the title of my degree change, though most of my lectures and syllabus remained the same and allowed for me to work around at least some of my issues and gain a BA(Hons) degree in Education and English Literature.

Thank you Rhiannon, I’ll never forget you.

I continued to dance through college, finding a local ballet school and regular on-campus jazz dance classes and tribal dance workshops. Once home again post-graduation, I was working with both adults and children who had…



Sadie Seroxcat
Seroxcat’s Salon

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon'