
Writing prompt for November

Sadie Seroxcat
Seroxcat’s Salon


Photo by Matt Benson on Unsplash

November in the UK seems to be all about memory, and loss.
Obviously we ‘Remember, remember’ on the 5th November, then we have Remembrance Sunday on 10th, setting the tone for some serious introspection as we move further into dark evenings, and if you’re anything like me just want to begin to hibernate with hot drinks, warm blankets and good books on tap.

I’d like to explore the subject of memory further, for The Salon this month, and hope you will join me.

Remember this publication is my Counter Arts Group ‘Brit-pub’, so I’m looking to highlight topics of interest to the British reader, and mainly spotlight British culture, society, history, politics, literature etc. — along with the lives of our British writers.

Just some ideas (or any combination of these and/or your own):

  • war/peace, loss/grief, poetry
  • colonialism
  • The Windrush Generation
  • childhood memories
  • remembrance of someone who has passed on (and I’m an animal person, so yes, you can include them)
  • memory itself/dementia
  • or happier aspects of life, like memories of first meeting someone important to you/seeing a work of art/reading your favourite…



Seroxcat’s Salon
Seroxcat’s Salon

Published in Seroxcat’s Salon

For Brits “it’s always time for tea” (as the Mad Hatter said), so grab a cup, pull a chair closer to the fire, and join us while we talk about British society and politics until the pot runs dry.

Sadie Seroxcat
Sadie Seroxcat

Written by Sadie Seroxcat

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon'

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