Day 1: 10 Things that make you really happy

Gathering all happy memories, stored away untidily in the dark corners of my mind, starts now!


1. Finally getting the meal I ordered and it looks and tastes great.

I think this is when you can see me at my happiest. My heart is giddy and it will be all over my face. Seeing that warm bowl of pho or an overflowing plate of nasi lengko is enough to make me the happiest girl in the world. But ofcourse, there have been many times where the order of the person dining with me is better than mine and I’ll be upset.

2. Morning/afternoon walks or runs, the sun shining down on my face and skin, with music blasting into my ears.

This is when I feel much in my zone. I feel like the music and sun and energy are just feeding into my soul some good vibes to rejuvenate my day. I have certain songs for this too. My favourite go-to would be Raging Fire by Philip Philips. It takes me to a place with sunshine and trees and I’m just running free to the beat.

3. Having family around, all with happy stomachs.

Apart from being happy because of receiving food, I find comfort in seeing other people enjoy their food. Especially when its family and we’re eating Sundanese (my brother would say rabbit food because of the raw greens that we eat) food or grilled fish we just caught together at our pond.

4. Having a true and meaningful conversation with someone

By meaningful, I don’t necessarily mean that the conversation must be about deep dark Indonesian politics or how tf the world spiralled into covid chaos. Sometimes its in the more mundane and silly things where you can basically be yourself and ramble yet the conversation still flows. I think I’ve only encountered this once.

5. Getting sent food

Again, if I haven’t yet made this clear, I stand among the people that believe that a way to a persons heart is through their stomach. The sheer thoughtfulness of brightening someone’s day by not making them turn into a hangry monster!

6. People that put in the effort to spend time with me

I really don’t know what else to say other than a thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

7. A good laugh

I like laughing. Witty puns are awesome and I can’t make them so I’d really appreciate it when someone makes one. Funny Twitter videos are more than welcome.

8. A good pillow. Or shoulder

Coming from a person that somehow has slept incorrectly most her life and has back pains in the morning, finding a clean and comfy pillow is one of a kind. Finding a good shoulder to lean on is even better.

9. Neat and organised workstations

I found my own way of making myself more productive: making my own calendar! Dotted papers are always. Ergonomic chair and laptop stand are a must. Good lighting. And above all, it must be neat and organised for the purpose of workstation photos.

10. Cooking

I found my solace last year in cooking. It is a complete no-brainer. I also usually like what I cook and that makes the whole experience even better. Plus, I make a really mean spicy honey lemon chicken!



Seruni Fauzia Lestari
Seruni’s 30 Day Writing Challenge

Not sure if I’m interested in politics or just conspiracy theories and drama.