Day 3: Top three pet peeves

Pet peeves or things that I find really annoying. I think in all the three below, the main premise is just to respect other people. I find myself annoyed and unbelievably frustrated that people think for themselves only, as if oblivious to the fact that we all live with and need others. For myself, however, sticking with these pet peeves combined with my proclaimed authority as the eldest child in the family has not always made me the favourite person at home but as time goes on I like to think that I’ve grown to moderate my pet peeves :)

Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

1. When people don’t clean after themselves.

I think everyone would like to think they are clean and hygienic people. But it really hits you when you start living with other people that your cleanliness should not be only for yourself but for other people. Even when you live alone and off-grid you still need to clean for you and what is around you because it is an indicator of someone’s maturity and basic survival skills! So next time you cook, clean your utensils and plate. Yes, I’m talking to you, my lovely little brothers.

2. Using other peoples things, especially without permission.

Other than cleanliness, I crucially believe it is important to respect other people’s belongings. You might need to borrow or take a few things from people, but it wouldn’t hurt to put yourself in the other person’s shoes beforehand and think if it is also convenient for them should you need to take their stuff. It annoys me that people don’t even acknowledge an item to be in the possession of someone else, let alone think about how that item might mean to another person. Should you need their service, ask them nicely yeah?

3. When people talk so big of themselves, particularly worse when in pursuit of other people.

I think there is a fine line between being confident and stupidly and disrespectfully cocky. I find sometimes guys talk big to impress but really it is a turn off, especially when I know that I am more familiar with the topic even more yet can still manage to keep low about it. To another extreme case, as one having a planning and politics background, I find it annoying when people with no knowledge of development suddenly talks grand ideas without really knowing the system. Yes, multidisciplinary approach is critical for development, but each player shouldn’t be wearing their own glasses to the table and each player must come prepared. So when engaging in a discourse, read up and prepare yourself for a dialogue. Be prepared to give and take.



Seruni Fauzia Lestari
Seruni’s 30 Day Writing Challenge

Not sure if I’m interested in politics or just conspiracy theories and drama.