Day 4: Five places you want to visit

First off, I admit I might be cheating this writing challenge a bit. Day 4 is supposed to be about “who inspires you” but I truly could not think of one. But let’s still move on and return to it later, shall we?

Edinburgh, Sep 2020.

Tokyo, Japan

This makes me sad because this was supposed to be my post-uni getaway. I’ve always wanted to go to Japan, but never had the chance yet. What did I look forward to from Japan? Obviously the food. I can already imagine the look when my smile comes from ear to ear as the chef hands me the large bowl of ramen! Also, since befriending my Indonesian food lover Tae during uni, who lives in Tokyo, I have all the more reason to go, right?

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast was also a post-uni bucket list. To be exact, the entire bucket list was to reach to all four nations in the United Kingdom. Belfast was a particular priority, seeing that it was the closest thing to Europe (being a part of Ireland, at least) and that it was one of the sets for Game of Thrones! I have always been curious with Irish accents, amazing scenery, and culture. Thank you Normal People.

Candi Prambanan, Central Java

It’s not much about the candi, though from my many visits there it is stunning, but more about watching Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan, hence taking the experience to a whole other level.

Bromo, East Java

I have always been keen to try off-road and go hiking or mountaineering. Plus it is a good reason to put on those layers, which is highly unlikely for one to wear anywhere else in Indonesia.

Kampala, Uganda

This might be an odd one. But this was supposed to be the destination of my fieldwork last semester, one cancelled only 1–2 weeks before my departure due to the pandemic. It was one I’ve been looking forward to for a year, one of the main reasons I first fell in love with the GDI curriculum, one where I thought I’d forge solid friendships from. But there were other plans just as great.



Seruni Fauzia Lestari
Seruni’s 30 Day Writing Challenge

Not sure if I’m interested in politics or just conspiracy theories and drama.