How I write

Servaas Schrama
The Parttime Visionary
2 min readAug 21, 2017

I do not know if others have the same techniques as I do when it comes to writing, but here is a little insight in mine.

Secret: I have no technique.

Usually I just sit down and start writing. And I only do this when I feel something coming up. You could say that I have to get in the mood. There are two ways I get my writing done.

The first one is a longer process. I have an idea in mind, and while doing things like walking, relaxing, driving to or from work, and even when I just sit and chill a bit, I nourish the idea. I try and grab it with my hands so I can turn it and look at it from different angles. As I am used to taking long walks, I often use a lot of that time to think about subjects or topics I would like to write about. Sometimes I form complete phrases in my mind, ready to get them typed up over here. I think about the way I explain my point (if I have one) and how to construct my post.

The second one is a bit more straight from the heart. I sit down, and it starts pouring through my fingers and the keyboard to this web we call medium. If that happens, it means that I already had this on my mind and it started to overflow — ready to be typed up. Sometimes this happens to me a few times in a short period of time, but weeks can go by where this does not occur.

So which do I like best? I like the first one. That’s because I spend my time thinking, pondering, considering, appreciating, enjoying and so on. I am always chewing on one or more ideas. Always. But, I have to say, sometimes when I am writing about these well thought through ideas, it doesn’t feel right. I am overdoing it. I am cramping my style by wanting to overthink how to write it. Also, I am a firm believer in artistic rawness, meaning outputting the ideas you may have as an artist exactly as you think it up, as you feel it’s right, as you know you need to do it. It is your creation, you shouldn’t over rationalize it, right?

The conclusion of this little bit of scribbling about writing, in my opinion, therefore has to be that I prefer the second method. And it is true. I love the thinking, but I have learned to keep the topics of my thinking just that: things in my mind to ponder. And I keep the writing as fresh as it gets: Straight from the heart.

