Introduction to Cloud Computing Security

An excerpt from the Serverless Security book

Miguel A. Calles · Serverless CISO
Serverless is Cool
15 min readMay 16, 2023


Serverless Security book cover
Serverless Security book cover

We will review cloud computing and how its security evolved. We will learn how serverless computing relates to cloud computing and how securing serverless computing differs from the typical cloud computing Cybersecurity. We will review Cybersecurity, how it applies to cloud computing, and why it is needed. This chapter will set the foundation for Cybersecurity in serverless computing by putting it in the context of cloud computing and its security.

Cloud Computing Service Models

Cloud computing is a service offering where a client rents computing resources, physically located in an offsite location, from a provider. The resources are available on demand, and the client accesses them using the Internet. A client can rent resources from networking and storage equipment to fully developed software applications.
Five major service models define how providers make cloud computing resources available to their clients: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Container as a Service (CaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Function as a Service (FaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Table 1–1 depicts how the responsibility of the resource varies among the cloud computing types and compares to the traditional on-premise computing. We will briefly review each cloud computing service model.

Table 1–1. Comparison of Cloud Computing Service Models and On-Premise Computing
Table 1–1. Comparison of Cloud Computing Service Models and On-Premise Computing

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a service offering where a provider makes infrastructure (e.g., networking equipment and computing equipment) available for a client to use. IaaS enables a client to rent infrastructure without having to procure it. The client is responsible for configuring and fine-tuning the different infrastructure components. The provider is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure, making it accessible, and ensuring a minimum level of reliability and availability. This type of cloud computing is the closest to an on-premise model of buying, storing, powering, configuring, maintaining, and administering the infrastructure components, but with the simplified configuration and reduced maintenance and administration.

Container as a Service (CaaS)

Container as a Service (CaaS) is a service offering where a provider makes software container creation and orchestration (e.g., Docker1 and Kubernetes2) available for a client to use. CaaS enables a client to compile all the software packages (needed by an application) into a container without having to set up the infrastructure. The client is responsible for configuring the container and defining the orchestration. The provider is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure, the container virtualization, and the orchestration software. This type of cloud computing provides the benefit of running a lightweight platform without having to set up the infrastructure nor install the orchestration software.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a service offering where a provider makes a specific platform (e.g., an operating system, a database, and a web server) available for a client to use. PaaS enables a client to rent a platform without having to set up the infrastructure. The client is responsible for configuring and fine-tuning the platform to meet the specific need. The provider is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure, keeping the platform software up to date, and ensuring a minimum level of reliability and availability. This type of cloud computing provides the benefit of defining the computational need without having to determine what kind of infrastructure is needed to power the platform.

Function as a Service (FaaS)

Function as a Service (FaaS) (typically associated with serverless computing) is a service offering where a provider enables a client to run individual software functions and interconnect them to make an application. FaaS allows a client to rent computing time needed to execute the functions without needing to maintain any supporting software and hardware. The client is responsible for writing all the software functions and defining the orchestration among them. The provider is responsible for properly configuring and maintaining the infrastructure and platforms needed to execute the functions. This type of cloud computing provides similar benefits as PaaS and CaaS offerings, but without having to configure the platforms and containers, and enables the client to develop a SaaS offering.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a service offering where a provider makes a specific piece of software (e.g., a web application) available for a client to use. SaaS enables a client to rent a piece of software without needing any hardware other than an Internet-connected computing device. The client is responsible for customizing any software settings provided by the application. The provider is responsible for ensuring the web application is available and preventing others from accessing the client’s account data. This type of cloud computing provides the benefits of using the software without having to perform maintenance.

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

Cybersecurity was a big concern in cloud computing in its infancy and continues to be one. Cloud computing disrupted the traditional on-premise Cybersecurity model. This new model required different strategies to implement Cybersecurity, and it shared responsibilities with a third-party provider, which reserves the right to secure the system differently than the client desires. Furthermore, the provider not only has to implement Cybersecurity to establish trust with its clients. The provider also needs to secure its offering to protect itself from external threats, which also includes its clients. New models were birthed to accommodate the differing levels of adoption of cloud computing.

The Private or Enterprise Cloud

An enterprise uses a private cloud to have on-premise computing equipment interconnected to on-premise networking equipment. This configuration is referred to as a cloud because the computing equipment interconnects over an intranet (i.e., an internal Internet). Ideally, the data is only accessible within the physical premises of the enterprise for the highest Cybersecurity benefit; see Figure 1–1. An enterprise might choose a private cloud to protect sensitive data.

Figure 1–1. Private Cloud
Figure 1–1. Private Cloud

A private cloud can have the lowest Cybersecurity risk, assuming proper Cybersecurity measures are in place. The enterprise is mostly or entirely responsible for the Cybersecurity risk. It, therefore, results in higher costs because it must procure, configure, and maintain all the networking and computing equipment and configure and maintain any Cybersecurity measures. The enterprise may favor the private cloud because the higher costs might be lower than those of a Cybersecurity breach, and it has greater control over the Cybersecurity measures.

The Public Cloud

A provider establishes and provides a public cloud to make computing resources available for rent over the Internet. This configuration enables an enterprise to put data in the public cloud and have it accessible from any Internet-connected device; see Figure 1–2. Ideally, Cybersecurity measures protect data by limiting access to only specific parties. An enterprise might choose a public cloud to lower costs, increase accessibility and availability, and offset risk.

Figure 1–2. Public Cloud
Figure 1–2. Public Cloud

A public cloud might have higher Cybersecurity risks because there is no direct purview over the infrastructure and Cybersecurity measures. The provider and the enterprise share the Cybersecurity risk. The enterprise must have the expertise to adequately configure the cloud’s Cybersecurity measures and protect its data. The enterprise might favor the shared Cybersecurity risk because it cannot afford to set up and maintain a private cloud, lacks the expertise to secure a private cloud, or prefers faster development and deployment.

The Hybrid Cloud

An enterprise adopts a hybrid cloud to set up private and public clouds to work together. This configuration enables an enterprise to use a private cloud for its more sensitive data and a public cloud for its less sensitive data; see Figure 1–3. It further allows taking advantage of both sets of features and computing capabilities of both clouds. An enterprise might choose a hybrid cloud to meet legal and contractual requirements, lower costs, and configure varying levels of Cybersecurity measures.

Figure 1–3. Hybrid Cloud
Figure 1–3. Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud might be the best of both worlds in some situations. Still, it potentially has a higher Cybersecurity risk than a private cloud and not necessarily a lower risk than a public cloud. We should use properly configured private cloud security equipment (e.g., firewall systems, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and security information and event management systems) to establish a connection between the public and private clouds. The connectivity between the private and public clouds presents an opportunity for the bypassing of security equipment and exposing the data within the private cloud. The enterprise might favor the increased Cybersecurity risk for several reasons: it wants to take advantage of features within the public cloud; it has several layers of Cybersecurity measures to mitigate the risk of the external connection; it has multiple private clouds; the public cloud only has access to a limited set of private clouds.

Applying a Cloud Computing Model to FaaS

FaaS can support all three deployment models. FaaS was initially introduced as a public cloud solution because it reduces most of the configuration and maintenance effort. As the FaaS offering matured, providers added the ability to access a private cloud from a FaaS solution. The industry realized the need for having FaaS within a private cloud, and it created a FaaS solution that runs on software containers installed on servers within a private cloud. In this book, we will mostly explore Cybersecurity in the public cloud.

An Overview on Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity, or security for short, is the practice of identifying the assets that need protecting, the threats against those assets, and the defenses needed to protect those assets. Many engineers, developers, and managers have become accustomed to implementing security in traditional on-premise systems: desktop computers, laptops, servers, networking equipment, operating systems, and so on. The cloud computing era disrupted how companies and individuals view their assets. Consequently, the practice of security had to evolve to work in this new computational method. Now that the assets and infrastructure are provided by a third party, the cloud computing provider and the client share the responsibility for implementing security.

We can summarize security and its implementation in three words: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Using the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) model (sometimes referred to as the CIA triad) is one way to identify the security risks and security measures needed to mitigate those risks. We will explore each element.


Applying confidentiality to a piece of data is giving access only to the intended recipients. Said another way, confidentiality is preventing unauthorized access from unintended recipients. A common term in recent news is “privacy.” An enterprise may choose to implement confidentiality using encryption and access control.

Data has no encryption by default. Applying encryption to data prevents access to it. The data is encrypted using a key, and only that key can decrypt the file to return it to its original state. The key can be a password, file, or certificate. The encryption should happen while the data is at rest (i.e., while it sits in the file system) or while it is in transit (e.g., being transferred over the Internet).

Data has no access control by default, but modern operating systems do implement some level of access control. Access control defines which data is accessible to others and how that data is used. In an operating system that supports it, the access control determines whether the current user can read, modify, or execute the data and also defines whether other users can have similar privileges. It might also allow specifying a subset of users that can read, modify, or execute the data.

FaaS solutions provide encryption and access control. The account owner needs to enable shared access or public access; the account owner is the person or entity that manages the account on the public cloud. The data owner can assign read, modify, and delete privileges to the data; the data owner is the person or entity that manages the data stores in the public cloud. The account owner is responsible for configuring the cloud infrastructure to set the desired level of confidentiality. The cloud infrastructure provides encryption for data in transit, data at rest, and access control to the data owner and others. The provider’s cloud infrastructure only gives the account owner access to the data. Cloud infrastructure supports encryption in transit and at rest.


Ensuring integrity for a piece of data is giving confidence the data someone sent you is the same data you received. Said another way, integrity is making sure there are no unintended modifications to the data, and the intended recipient has trust they received the expected data. The enterprise may choose to implement integrity using checksums, version control, or logging.

A checksum is a representation of the data and is used to determine whether the file has changed since it was last accessed. For example, when a user creates a file, the system records its checksum. When the user modifies the file, the checksum also changes. The user or file system can use the checksum to determine whether the file has changed.

Whenever a user creates, modifies, or deletes a file, a version control system or a logging system captures the change. The version control system saves a copy of the file for each version (and sometimes a checksum). In contrast, a logging system records the type of change, the user who invoked the change, the time the change occurred, and other relevant information.

FaaS solutions provide integrity solutions natively and as an add-on feature. The account owner is responsible for configuring the cloud infrastructure to set the desired level of integrity. The owner can also enable logging systems to capture changes to the file and add checksums to the different versions of the data. The cloud infrastructure supports version control of files. The cloud infrastructure natively does file replication at the hardware level while maintaining the data integrity.


Providing availability for a piece of data is using measures to ensure intended recipients can use the data. Said another way, availability is making sure the intended recipient can access the data at any time. The enterprise may increase availability through maintenance, replication, and redundancy.

Performing maintenance ensures the hardware hosting the data continues operating as long as possible without interruption. For example, if a user stores a piece of data on one piece of equipment, and it stops functioning, that data is no longer available for a user to access. Had that unit been adequately maintained, it could have continued operating longer, or the maintainer could have observed symptoms of imminent failure. Therefore, it is essential to maintain hardware to keep it running to increase availability.

Replication and redundancy create replicas of data on other pieces of hardware. For example, in the event one unit fails, others make the data available for a user to access. An enterprise will use hardware components (e.g., Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks, or RAIDs) to provide local, built-in redundancy and data backup software to achieve geographical (offsite) redundancy.

FaaS solutions provide availability natively when storing data in the public cloud, which has a minimum level of guaranteed availability. The account owner is responsible for selecting a cloud infrastructure with the desired minimum availability and configuring any additional availability features. For increased availability, the data owner can choose to replicate the data across multiple geographic locations within the public cloud infrastructure. Using cloud infrastructure eliminates the need to perform routine hardware maintenance. However, regular checks of the account configuration and data access are still warranted.

The Need for Cloud Computing Cybersecurity

Approaching Cybersecurity is similar, yet different, in public and hybrid clouds vs. a private cloud. The enterprise has more control and influence of the security measures in a private cloud. The security measures are implemented based on the risks identified in an assessment. The enterprise should assess public and hybrid clouds similar to a private cloud, but with the understanding that the threats vary.

Examples of Threats

Threats exist in the three cloud computing models and manifest themselves in several ways. We will explore a few examples of how threats manifest.

Data Breaches from Insecure Data Storage

Since cloud storage configurations support private, shared, and public access, it is probable public access was set unintentionally.3 For example, an attacker can use an improperly configured cloud storage system to access highly sensitive data. An inexperienced user may accidentally grant public access while attempting to limit sharing to a small group. A user may also temporarily give public access to transfer data to other parties, but forget to revert to private access. Data breaches can result from an improperly configured cloud storage system.

Data Breaches from Identity and Access Management Misconfiguration

Someone can access another person’s account if the Identity and Access Management (IAM) system has a misconfiguration. The data owner might use an IAM system to share data access with multiple users. Shared access should be limited to the users that require the data and no one else. For example, the finance team should only have access to confidential financial records, and not the engineering team or suppliers. Data breaches have occurred because a supplier had access to a network where sensitive data was processed.4 Data breaches can result when one account is compromised, and it has access to data it should not.

Denial of Service Attack Due To Software Vulnerabilities

Any application exposed to the Internet is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Cloud services limit how much computing power a client can use at any given time. An attacker hopes to exploit a weakness in the application by sending multiple simultaneous requests and making the application unavailable to the users. This downtime can result in financial loss and lost productivity.

Weaknesses can exist at any level. For example, an attacker can exploit a software library with a known vulnerability by sending a large piece of data such that the application takes a significant time to process the entire data or eventually times out.5 If thousands or millions of requests are sent simultaneously to a vulnerable software function, the application may stop responding for all users and result in a DoS to the user base.

Identifying Threats

The three previous examples illustrate the realization of threats. Your understanding of the threats to your application will help you determine how to protect against them. We will explore how to identify threats in the next chapter.

Key Takeaways

In this chapter, we reviewed cloud computing and Cybersecurity. This chapter aimed to provide a foundation for the remainder of this book. We established concepts and terminology in cloud computing. We will briefly review these concepts and terms.

We explored cloud computing service models:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is using infrastructure
    (e.g., computing and networking equipment) over the Internet.
  • Container as a Service (CaaS) is using a software container (e.g., Docker) over the Internet.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) is using a configured platform (e.g., a database) over the Internet.
  • Function as a Service (FaaS) is running and orchestrating functions (e.g., an email subscription function) over the Internet.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) is using an application (e.g., a web-based email) over the Internet.

We covered cloud computing deployment models and how FaaS supports them:

  • Private cloud is where an enterprise uses computing equipment it acquired and accesses it over an internal network. An enterprise can set up an internal FaaS solution on its hardware.
  • Public cloud is where an enterprise uses computing equipment from a third party and accesses it over the Internet. An enterprise can use a provider’s FaaS solution.
  • Hybrid cloud is where an enterprise uses private and public clouds for different purposes and uses security equipment to interconnect them to minimize risk. An enterprise may configure a private FaaS solution to access data from a public cloud and vice versa, given the security equipment on both sides are configured to enable access.

We learned the confidentiality, integrity, and availability model in Cybersecurity and how FaaS supports all three.

  • Confidentiality is ensuring only the desired recipients can access a piece of data. FaaS ensures confidentiality by limiting data access to the account owner with access control systems and by using encryption.
  • Integrity is ensuring the data was unchanged and uncorrupted from the last time it was accessed. FaaS provides integrity with version control systems and logging systems.
  • Availability is ensuring the intended recipient can access the data without disruption. FaaS provides a minimum level of availability and increases with replication across geographical regions.

We reviewed examples of Cybersecurity threats to depict the need for Cybersecurity in cloud computing.

In the next chapter, we will examine how to assess a FaaS application and perform a security risk assessment.

Before you go

Get your copy of the Serverless Security book to read the rest of the book.


Docker is a registered trademark of Docker, Inc.

Kubernetes is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.

“100GB of secret NSA data found on unsecured AWS S3 bucket.” 29 November 2017. Adam Shepard. IT Pro. aws-s3-bucket

“What Retailers Need to Learn from the Target Breach to Protect against Similar Attacks.” January 31, 2014. Chris Poulin. Security Intelligence. target-breach-protect-against-similar-attacks-retailers

“Serverless Security & The Weakest Link (Avoiding App DoS).” 8 February 2019. Ory Segal. PureSec Blog. not-to-get-nuked-by-app-dos



Miguel A. Calles · Serverless CISO
Serverless is Cool

Author of Mastering AWS Serverless · AWS Community Builder · Specializing in CMMC, SOC 2, serverless & engineering.