Q&A with webtask.io creator Tomasz Janczuk

Peter Sbarski
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016
Tomasz Janczuk

Serverlessconf London is community led conference focused on serverless technologies and architectures. We are getting together to discuss how to build scalable, robust, high-performance systems using Function-as-a-Service technologies such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, IBM OpenWhisk and Google Cloud Functions; and Backend-as-a-Service technologies like Firebase, Auth0, and Algolia. In this series of short articles we are asking speakers to tell us about themselves and share their view of serverless technologies.

What’s your name and what do you do? Tomasz Janczuk, creator of the Webtask technology at Auth0.

In one or two sentences, what is your talk about? Serverless puts platform extensibility through webhooks in a new light. I will show how Webtasks can mix serverless and webhook concepts together to result in a new level of development experience in platform extensibility.

Why are FaaS/BaaS/serverless technologies and/or architectures interesting to you? Multi-tenancy is one of the key principles of cloud development, and serverless/FaaS is the future of multi-tenancy, hence future of the cloud compute.

What do you think will happen in this space over the next 12–24 months? We will see a lot of new providers trying to find their niche and a lot of early adopter applications experimenting with this space. Then a consolidation on a few scenarios that serverless fits like a glove will follow.

What is the one killer feature/product/service/idea that you would like to see created? I’d like to reduce the devops friction of creating webhooks to zero. All you need is code.

Read more about Serverlessconf London or grab your early bird-ticket right now.



Peter Sbarski

Peter Sbarski is VP of Education & Research at A Cloud Guru and an AWS Serverless Hero. He also wrote, Serverless Architectures on AWS (Manning).