The IBM Cloud Functions Team at ServerlessConf 2017 in New York

Andreas Nauerz
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2017

As if it has already become a tradition: Once again, the IBM team, that already attended the very first ServerlessConf about 2 years ago in New York and, since back then, never missed a single ServerlessConf, is back in town to inform about the latest & greatest achievements & news.

For the very first time the team will officially talk about IBM Cloud Functions, the the FaaS platform formerly called IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk but still based on Apache OpenWhisk.

From a feature point-of-view the team will highlight some of the most recent additions additions such as the the recently added support for PHP and our new integration with our IBM Watson IoT Platform for supporting unstructured device data.

One of the highlights will definitely be around a research-driven tech preview introducing a programming model for composing individual functions into larger applications and enabling stateful computation, control flow, and rich patterns of data flow.

Curious? You wonder when and where to meet the team and learn more?

On Sunday Andreas Nauerz will serve as a mentor and on the jury of the pre-conference hackathon.

On Monday Andreas & Markus Thömmes will run a hands-on workshop. During this workshop you will learn about the basics and strengths of IBM Cloud Functions and how to develop serverless applications composed of loosely coupled microservice-like functions. You’ll play with our CLI and UI and become an IBM Cloud Functions star by implementing a weather bot using IBM’s Weather Company Data service and Slack. You will also investigate how to use other components like our API Gateway integration. Finally, you will find out how to package and deploy your entire serverless application together using the Serverless Framework.

On Tuesday Rodric Rabbah & team will give a talk about the above mentioned recent additions with a strong focus on the new capabilities introduced by Compositions for IBM Cloud Functions.

On Wednesday Daniel Krook will talk about the CNCF point-of-view on serverless.

On both conference days, Tuesday and Wednesday, the team will be available at their booth, ready to answer all the questions you may have related to IBM Cloud Functions or even to discuss your very own serverless use-cases.

The entire IBM Cloud Functions team is looking forward to meeting you — so, get your ticket (for the workshop and/or the main conference) here: — it’s never too late!

