5 Tips for Tech Networking Events and Meetups — 2019 Edition

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2019


Set a frequency, try many groups, start talking, ask questions, and get coffee.

Photo by Jakob Dalbjörn on unsplash

1. Decide How Often to Go

In Portland, OR, where I live, there are often one or two dozen tech events per week. I love meeting people, hearing others going through similar software joys and sorrows, and nerding out together.

I would happily go to one event per day, and I’ve been there. But there’s more to life. So I loosely aim for two to three events per month. And if you don’t gravitate towards networking, all the more reason to set a target frequency.

2. Try at Least Ten Different Groups

There’s a wide range of vibes across meetups, so try like ten before deciding meetups are not for you. Although my focus has been AWS/MERN/MEVN-ish, I’ve had good conversations at Erlang and Machine Learning meetups.

There are several themes of tech meetups:



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

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