Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs with the Serverless Framework

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru
Published in
7 min readMar 3, 2020


Credit: Eduardo Rabelo

It is easy to build and maintain large scale APIs with Amazon API Gateway. From REST to WebSockets APIs, HTTP Proxies to workloads with request transformation, authentication and validation.

One common integration for building APIs is to proxy it to an AWS Lambda. Listening to their customers feedback, Amazon went one step further and on last year re:Invent they released a new feature called HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway.

HTTP APIs offer the core functionality of Amazon API Gateway and are optimised for building APIs that proxy to AWS Lambda functions or HTTP backends. With cost savings up to 70% compared to REST APIs, significant performance improvements (without the Amazon API Gateway service overhead), out of the box features like throttling, metrics, logging, OIDC, OAuth and built-in support for CORS.

What is the difference between HTTP APIs and REST APIs in Amazon API Gateway?

As mentioned above, HTTP APIs are focused and optimised for APIs proxying request to an AWS Lambda or HTTP backends. Any other offers and features from REST APIs aren’t available. I will list some features heres, but they are not exhaustive and can change, since Amazon can ship more (or less) features anytime.



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